「Jem4 Rules[en]」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Jem4 Rules[en]」(2006/04/22 (土) 15:19:37) の最新版変更点



**Jem4 Rules Jem4 is like Japanese board game "gomoku(renju)". Jem is colored stone(gemstone). When get four (or more) your jems in a row (vertically, horizontally or diagonally), you win. But, when get three same colored jems in a row, they pass away. **Jem4 Rules of detail When board is filled, person dropped jem in the end lose. When get four (or more) jems in a row twofold(two colors) at the same time, two persons win. When get four (or more) jems in a row threefold(three colors) at the same time, three people win. When get four (or more) jems in a row and get three jems in a row at the same time, four jems is given priority. ---- 日本語がわからない人への説明用です。 文法とかかなり怪しいので,参考程度に。 (おかしいとこあったら書き換えてね) 日本語の説明はガゼルさんによる[[The nest of Gazelle>http://gazelle2004.hp.infoseek.co.jp/]]でも見てください。
**Jem4 Rules Jem4 is like Japanese board game "gomoku(renju)". Jem is colored stone(gemstone). When get four (or more) your jems in a row (vertically, horizontally or diagonally), you win. But, when get three same colored jems in a row, they pass away. **Jem4 Rules of detail When board is filled, person dropped jem in the end lose. When get four (or more) jems in a row twofold (two colors) at the same time, two persons win. When get four (or more) jems in a row threefold (three colors) at the same time, three people win. When get four (or more) jems in a row and get three jems in a row at the same time, four jems is given priority. ---- 日本語がわからない人への説明用です。 文法とかかなり怪しいので,参考程度に。 (おかしいとこあったら書き換えてね) 日本語の説明はガゼルさんによる[[The nest of Gazelle>http://gazelle2004.hp.infoseek.co.jp/]]でも見てください。

