
BBS-kaijiban/3」(2005/11/25 (金) 23:53:46) の最新版変更点



*テスト -- ゴールデンレトリバー &size(80%){2005-11-25 20:21:24} テストです。 ---- - By what feeling you called yourself "golden retriever?" -- I (2005-11-25 23:05:56) - I saw "golden retriever" in comics before, and love it. So it has no relation to myself. By the way, can you read Japanese on your PC? -- S (2005-11-25 23:25:31) - I CAN READ Japanse; only writing is unavailable. -- I (2005-11-25 23:39:53) - And is the "comics" Tome Kei's? -- I (2005-11-25 23:40:20) - Test by I: will the name be "Nanashi-san" when one doesn't write it explicitly? -- 名無しさん (2005-11-25 23:42:41) - It became, samely as my hypothesis. -- I (2005-11-25 23:43:38) - 外薗昌也の「琉伽といた夏」です。 -- 名無しさん (2005-11-25 23:52:07) #comment
*テスト -- ゴールデンレトリバー &size(80%){2005-11-25 20:21:24} テストです。 ---- - By what feeling you called yourself "golden retriever?" -- I (2005-11-25 23:05:56) - I saw "golden retriever" in comics before, and love it. So it has no relation to myself. By the way, can you read Japanese on your PC? -- S (2005-11-25 23:25:31) - I CAN READ Japanse; only writing is unavailable. -- I (2005-11-25 23:39:53) - And is the "comics" Tome Kei's? -- I (2005-11-25 23:40:20) - Test by I: will the name be "Nanashi-san" when one doesn't write it explicitly? -- 名無しさん (2005-11-25 23:42:41) - It became, samely as my hypothesis. -- I (2005-11-25 23:43:38) - 外薗昌也の「琉伽といた夏」です。 -- 名無しさん (2005-11-25 23:52:07) - この掲示板にまだ慣れていないので、つい改行をしようとしてEnterを押してしまいます。 -- S (2005-11-25 23:53:46) #comment

