北千里メタル愛好会 (仮称)




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北杜夫:『幽霊』の解説 -- I 2005-11-28 21:49:22


(新潮文庫版 p.231, 奥野健男による)

  • moe- -- I (2005-11-28 22:13:20)
  • moe- -- I (2005-11-28 22:15:17)
  • I can't understand what this passage wants to say correctly; finally how many did they sell, 763 or 13? -- I (2005-11-28 22:24:26)
  • 763部は「発行」部数だから売れた部数ではないでしょう。13部というのも、あくまで「書店」で売れたものかと。推測ですが、北の知り合いが北から直接買った冊数が結構多いのではないでしょうか。もしかしたら、最終的には完売したのかもしれません。しかし、13部はあまりに切ないですね。 -- S (2005-11-28 23:17:20)
  • I dare to say a boring and irritating (sorry) opinion: as Dr. Kawabata says, number has the sense only when we compare it with other number. Perhaps, selling 13 books in self-cost publishing may have been great work. -- I (2005-11-29 21:09:51)
  • Speaking about literature, can't you become an "web designer who understand Nakagami and other artists?" -- I (2005-11-29 21:11:39)
  • moe- -- I (2005-11-29 21:12:32)
  • 比較していないのだから少ないとは言えないというのはその通りですね。ウェブデザイナーの件ですが、僕はウェブデザインに関しては全くの素人なので難しいです。井上君はいかがですか? -- S (2005-11-29 21:51:58)
  • そう言えば、moeとは何ですか。 -- S (2005-11-29 21:52:53)
  • "moe-" means "test", "age" , "hard academism" or "onanian -- a marvellous onanist", namely, senseless. I use the term when I need to edit my contribution. -- I (2005-11-29 22:11:10)
  • I don't join the site on Nakagami because (1) I work (and study) only for money; I don't join volunteer activities; (2) I have never read Nakagami's work, and I don't think I have the ability to read them; (3) in addition, I have no potential to understand literature; the famous classical book (Iwanami Label's green and red covers) which I have read are only 4 or 5 books. -- I (2005-11-29 22:16:10)


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