Guild Wars Tomb

New Patch



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  • Added new Rank 12 Fame emote.

  • Increased the range of the Claim Resource skill, which is used by the Ghostly Hero as well as Mages and Priests.

  • Fixed an exploit with the Ghostly Hero that allowed players to lead him off the altar.

  • Fixed an exploit with Quick Shot that allowed players to reuse the skill more rapidly than should be possible.

  • Fixed the lava bridge in The Crag arena so that both teams can start at the same time.

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Henchmen from following the player party at the start of a PvP game.


カテゴリ: [Guild Wars] - &trackback() - 2005年11月18日 12:42:18
  • なんか5月くらいで10ってのはいたかも、今とレートが違うかもしれません。 -- hakrak (2005-11-20 04:25:10)
  • 以前はHoHで連勝するのが比較的楽だったのが大きいかも -- 管理人 (2005-11-20 14:35:35)
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