

Xbox360実績」(2008/07/21 (月) 20:32:21) の最新版変更点



項目数:45 総ポイント:1000 |Control Artist| Throw a Total Control Pitch with superb execution.&br()素晴らしいコントロールでピッチングをする| 5p| |Frozen Rope| Get a line drive base hit using Right Stick Hitting (Pro difficulty or higher). &br()右スティックを使用してヒットを打つ(難易度プロ以上)|5p| |Advanced Mind, Advanced Pleasure| Complete 10 games using advanced controls. .&br()Vip SETTING内のコントロール設定をADVANCEDで10試合する|50p| |Fantasy Cards| Create a complete card team.&br()カードのチームを作成する| 10p| |Buy a Pack| Use your duplicate cards to buy a new pack of cards.&br()カードパックを購入する| 20p| |Earn a Team| Unlock all the cards for a team in card series 1.&br()1つのチームのカードを全種類集める |30p| |Earn 100 Cards| Unlock 100 different types of cards.&br()100種類のカードを集める(枚数ではない)| 50| |Quality Start| Have your starting pitcher give up 3 or fewer runs in 6+ innings of work (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()先発投手が6イニング以上を3失点以内に抑える(プロ以上)| 5p| |Hold!| Get credit for a hold (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()ホールドを記録する| 5p| |Save!| Get credit for a save (min 3 batters faced, Pro difficulty or higher). &br()セーブを記録する|5p| |Keep it Down| Complete a 9-inning game without giving up a home run (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()ホームランを打たれず9イニング試合を終える(プロ以上)| 5p| |1-2-3| Retire all 3 batters faced in an inning (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()一回をヒット等打たれず3人で抑える(プロ以上)| 10p| |Strikeout the Side| Strikeout all 3 batters faced in an inning (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()1イニングを3者三振で切り抜ける(プロ以上)| 50p| |A Day To Remember| Throw a no-hitter using any number of pitchers (minimum 9 innings, Pro difficulty or higher).&br()ノーヒットノーランをする(9イニング、プロ以上)| 100p| |Skillz| Make a spectacular defensive play (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()守備で好プレーをする| 5p| |Catch 'em Nappin| Successfully bunt for a hit (Pro difficulty or higher).&br() バントヒットをする|10p| |Red-Handed| Throw out a runner attempting to steal a base (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()牽制死させる| 10p| |He's Got a Gun!| Throw out a runner at homeplate from the outfield using Right Stick Throwing.&br()ホームに突入してきたランナーを外野手の送球で刺す| 20| |The Train's Comin' Through| Score a run after plowing over the catcher at homeplate (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()ホームプレートのキャッチャーをタックル等で倒してホームイン| 20p| |De-Railed| Successfully prevent a runner from plowing over your catcher and scoring (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()タックル等をはじき飛ばしてホームインを防ぐ| 20p| |Triple Double| Turn 3 double plays in one game (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()1試合でダブルプレーを3つ決める| 20p| |Eagle Eye| Get a Base on Balls (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()四球を得る(敬遠はダメ)| 10p| |Double Triple| Hit two triples in one game (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()1試合でスリーベースを2つ打つ |30p| |Goliath |Hit 5 home runs in one game (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()1試合で5ホームラン打つ |20p| |Legendary| Win a 9-inning game on Legend difficulty.&br()難易度レジェンドで9イニング試合に勝つ| 50p| |What's Your Fantasy? |Complete at least 25 rounds of a fantasy draft in franchise mode.&br()フランチャイズモードのファンタジードラフト設定で最低25人を自分で指名する| 5p| |Glove of Gold| In franchise, have a player win the Player's Choice Best Fielder award (min 20 games played).&br()フランチャイズでゴールドグラブ賞を取る(最低20試合は普通に試合をする必要がある)| 10p| |Platinum Bat| In franchise, have a player win the Player's Choice Best Hitting award (min. 20 games played).&br()フランチャイズでベストヒッター賞を取る(最低20試合をする)| 10p| |Star-Studded| In franchise, have 3 or more players make the All-Star Team (min 15 games played).&br()フランチャイズで自チームから3人以上がオールスターに選ばれる(最低15試合をする)| 20p| |Makin' a Splash| In franchise, have a rookie earn the Rookie of the Year award (min 20 games played).&br()フランチャイズで新人賞を取る(最低20試合をする)| 20p| |Contender| In franchise, have your team make the playoffs (min 20 games played).&br()フランチャイズで自チームがプレイオフに進出する(最低20試合をする)| 20p| |Domination| Win at least 105 games in one season (min 20 games played)&br()フランチャイズで1シーズン105勝する(最低20試合をする)| 30p| |Layer Cake| In franchise, win a game at each minor league level (A, AA, and AAA).&br()フランチャイズで二つのマイナーリーグの試合に勝利する| 10p| |The Brink of Stardom| In franchise, have a player win the Minor League Player of the Year award.&br()フランチャイズでマイナーリーグでMVPを獲得する| 10p| |I'm a Winner!| Win a ranked match on Xbox LIVE.&br()オンラインのランクマッチで勝利| 10p| |Win 20 Online| Win 20 ranked matches on Xbox LIVE.&br()オンラインのランクマッチで20勝 |30p| |Card Master| Win a Card Battle match on Xbox LIVE.&br()オンラインのカードバトルで勝利| 50p| |Slugger |Win a Strikes Only match on Xbox LIVE. &br()オンラインのストライクオンリーロビーで勝利|20p| |League Participation| Play a game in a league or tournament on Xbox LIVE.&br()オンラインのリーグに参加し試合をする| 10p| |Cards Shmards| Top 'em: In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'Earn 100 Cards'.&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'Earn 100 cards'の実績解除者に勝利(Top'emはいわゆる感染系)| 20p| |David vs. Goliath| Top 'em: In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'Goliath'.&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'Goliath'の実績解除者に勝利 |20p| |Another Level| Top 'em: In& a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'Legendary'&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'Legendary'の実績解除者に勝利.| 20p| |Live Wire |Top 'em:In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'Win 20 Online'&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'win 20 online'の実績解除者に勝利.| 20p| |You're Not So Tough |Top 'em: In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'A Day to Remember'&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'A Day to Remember'の実績解除者に勝利.| 50p| |What Makes YOU So Special? |Top 'em: In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked a Top 'em achievement.&br()オンラインのランクマッチですべての感染系実績解除者に勝利| 50p| #comment
項目数:45 総ポイント:1000 |Control Artist| Throw a Total Control Pitch with superb execution.&br()素晴らしいコントロールでピッチングをする| 5p| |Frozen Rope| Get a line drive base hit using Right Stick Hitting (Pro difficulty or higher). &br()右スティックを使用してヒットを打つ(難易度プロ以上)|5p| |Advanced Mind, Advanced Pleasure| Complete 10 games using advanced controls. .&br()Vip SETTING内のコントロール設定をADVANCEDで10試合する|50p| |Fantasy Cards| Create a complete card team.&br()カードのチームを作成する| 10p| |Buy a Pack| Use your duplicate cards to buy a new pack of cards.&br()カードパックを購入する| 20p| |Earn a Team| Unlock all the cards for a team in card series 1.&br()1つのチームのカードを全種類集める |30p| |Earn 100 Cards| Unlock 100 different types of cards.&br()100種類のカードを集める(枚数ではない)| 50| |Quality Start| Have your starting pitcher give up 3 or fewer runs in 6+ innings of work (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()先発投手が6イニング以上を3失点以内に抑える(プロ以上)| 5p| |Hold!| Get credit for a hold (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()ホールドを記録する| 5p| |Save!| Get credit for a save (min 3 batters faced, Pro difficulty or higher). &br()セーブを記録する|5p| |Keep it Down| Complete a 9-inning game without giving up a home run (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()ホームランを打たれず9イニング試合を終える(プロ以上)| 5p| |1-2-3| Retire all 3 batters faced in an inning (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()一回をヒット等打たれず3人で抑える(プロ以上)| 10p| |Strikeout the Side| Strikeout all 3 batters faced in an inning (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()1イニングを3者三振で切り抜ける(プロ以上)| 50p| |A Day To Remember| Throw a no-hitter using any number of pitchers (minimum 9 innings, Pro difficulty or higher).&br()ノーヒットノーランをする(9イニング、プロ以上)| 100p| |Skillz| Make a spectacular defensive play (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()守備で好プレーをする| 5p| |Catch 'em Nappin| Successfully bunt for a hit (Pro difficulty or higher).&br() バントヒットをする|10p| |Red-Handed| Throw out a runner attempting to steal a base (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()牽制死させる| 10p| |He's Got a Gun!| Throw out a runner at homeplate from the outfield using Right Stick Throwing.&br()ホームに突入してきたランナーを外野手の送球で刺す| 20| |The Train's Comin' Through| Score a run after plowing over the catcher at homeplate (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()ホームプレートのキャッチャーをタックル等で倒してホームイン| 20p| |De-Railed| Successfully prevent a runner from plowing over your catcher and scoring (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()タックル等をはじき飛ばしてホームインを防ぐ| 20p| |Triple Double| Turn 3 double plays in one game (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()1試合でダブルプレーを3つ決める| 20p| |Eagle Eye| Get a Base on Balls (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()四球を得る(敬遠はダメ)| 10p| |Double Triple| Hit two triples in one game (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()1試合でスリーベースを2つ打つ |30p| |Goliath |Hit 5 home runs in one game (Pro difficulty or higher).&br()1試合で5ホームラン打つ |20p| |Legendary| Win a 9-inning game on Legend difficulty.&br()難易度レジェンドで9イニング試合に勝つ| 50p| |What's Your Fantasy? |Complete at least 25 rounds of a fantasy draft in franchise mode.&br()フランチャイズモードのファンタジードラフト設定で最低25人を自分で指名する| 5p| |Glove of Gold| In franchise, have a player win the Player's Choice Best Fielder award (min 20 games played).&br()フランチャイズでゴールドグラブ賞を取る(最低20試合は普通に試合をする必要がある)| 10p| |Platinum Bat| In franchise, have a player win the Player's Choice Best Hitting award (min. 20 games played).&br()フランチャイズでベストヒッター賞を取る(最低20試合をする)| 10p| |Star-Studded| In franchise, have 3 or more players make the All-Star Team (min 15 games played).&br()フランチャイズで自チームから3人以上がオールスターに選ばれる(最低15試合をする)| 20p| |Makin' a Splash| In franchise, have a rookie earn the Rookie of the Year award (min 20 games played).&br()フランチャイズで新人賞を取る(最低20試合をする)| 20p| |Contender| In franchise, have your team make the playoffs (min 20 games played).&br()フランチャイズで自チームがプレイオフに進出する(最低20試合をする)| 20p| |Domination| Win at least 105 games in one season (min 20 games played)&br()フランチャイズで1シーズン105勝する(最低20試合をする)| 30p| |Layer Cake| In franchise, win a game at each minor league level (A, AA, and AAA).&br()フランチャイズで二つのマイナーリーグの試合に勝利する| 10p| |The Brink of Stardom| In franchise, have a player win the Minor League Player of the Year award.&br()フランチャイズでマイナーリーグでMVPを獲得する| 10p| |I'm a Winner!| Win a ranked match on Xbox LIVE.&br()オンラインのランクマッチで勝利| 10p| |Win 20 Online| Win 20 ranked matches on Xbox LIVE.&br()オンラインのランクマッチで20勝 |30p| |Card Master| Win a Card Battle match on Xbox LIVE.&br()オンラインのカードバトルで勝利| 50p| |Slugger |Win a Strikes Only match on Xbox LIVE. &br()オンラインのストライクオンリーロビーで勝利|20p| |League Participation| Play a game in a league or tournament on Xbox LIVE.&br()オンラインのリーグに参加し試合をする| 10p| |Cards Shmards| Top 'em: In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'Earn 100 Cards'.&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'Earn 100 cards'の実績解除者に勝利(Top'emはいわゆる感染系)| 20p| |David vs. Goliath| Top 'em: In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'Goliath'.&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'Goliath'の実績解除者に勝利 |20p| |Another Level| Top 'em: In& a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'Legendary'&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'Legendary'の実績解除者に勝利.| 20p| |Live Wire |Top 'em:In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'Win 20 Online'&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'win 20 online'の実績解除者に勝利.| 20p| |You're Not So Tough |Top 'em: In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked 'A Day to Remember'&br()オンラインのランクマッチで'A Day to Remember'の実績解除者に勝利.| 50p| |What Makes YOU So Special? |Top 'em: In a ranked match on Xbox LIVE, beat an opponent who has unlocked a Top 'em achievement.&br()オンラインのランクマッチですべての感染系実績解除者に勝利| 50p| - てす -- 名無しさん (2008-07-21 20:32:21) #comment




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