
ジャスパーAI」(2005/12/01 (木) 23:14:51) の最新版変更点



---- ・ジャスパーAIのOnSpawnに入るスクリプトの翻訳。 ・性能は高いがOnSpawn以外難しくて弄れないのが難 ---- /************************ [On Spawn] ******************************************* Filename: j_ai_onspawn or nw_c2_default9 ************************* [On Spawn] ******************************************* This file contains options that will determine some AI behaviour, and a lot of toggles for turning things on/off. A big read, but might be worthwhile. The documentation is actually fully in the readme files, under the name "On Spawn.html", under "AI File Explanations". The order of the options: - Important Spawn Settings N/A - Targeting & Fleeing (AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER) - Fighting & Spells (AI_COMBAT_MASTER) - Other Combat - Healing, Skills & Bosses (AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER) - Other - Death corpses, minor things (AI_OTHER_MASTER) - User Defined (AI_UDE_MASTER) - Shouts N/A - Default Bioware settings (WP's, Anims) (NW_GENERIC_MASTER) The OnSpawn file is a settings file. These things are set onto a creature, to define cirtain actions. If more than one creature has this script, they all use the settings, unless If/Else statements are used somehow. There is also the process of setting any spells/feats availible, and hiding and walk waypoints are started. Other stuff: - Targeting is imporant :-D - If you delete this script, there is a template for the On Spawn file in the zip it came in, for use in the "scripttemplate" directory. ************************* [History] ******************************************** Note: I have removed: - Default "Teleporting" and exit/return (this seemed bugged anyway, or useless) - Spawn in animation. This can be, of course, re-added. - Day/night posting. This is uneeded, with a changed walk waypoints that does it automatically. Changes from 1.0-1.2: - All constants names are changed, I am afraid. - Added Set/Delete/GetAIInteger/Constant/Object. This makes sure that the AI doesn't ever interfere with other things - it pre-fixes all stored things with AI_INTEGER_ (and so on) ************************* [Workings] ******************************************* Note: You can do without all the comments (it may be that you don't want the extra KB it adds or something, although it does not at all slow down a module) so as long as you have these at the end: AI_SetUpEndOfSpawn(); DelayCommand(2.0, SpawnWalkWayPoints()); Oh, and the include file (Below, "j_inc_spawnin") must be at the top like here. Also recommended is the AI_INTELLIGENCE and AI_MORALE being set (if not using custom AI). ************************* [Arguments] ****************************************** Arguments: GetIsEncounterCreature ************************* [On Spawn] ******************************************/ // Treasure Includes - See end of spawn for uncomment options. //#include "nw_o2_coninclude" // Uncomment this if you want default NwN Treasure - Uses line "GenerateNPCTreasure()" at the end of spawn. // - This generates random things from the default pallet based on the creatures level + race //#include "x0_i0_treasure" // Uncomment this if you want the SoU Treasure - Uses line "CTG_GenerateNPCTreasure()" at the end of spawn. // - This will spawn treasure based on chests placed in the module. See "x0_i0_treasure" for more information. // This is required for all spawn in options! #include "j_inc_spawnin" void main() { /************************ [Important Spawn Settings] **************************/ SetAIInteger(AI_INTELLIGENCE, 10); // クリーチャーの頭の良さ // Intelligence value of the creauture. Can be 1-10, read readme's for help. SetAIInteger(AI_MORALE, 10); // 士気、これが-1以下になるとクリーチャーは逃げ出す // Will save (See readme). Remember: -1 or below means they always flee. //SetCustomAIFileName("CUSTOM_AI_FILE"); // カスタムAIファイル。これが設定されてるとアニメーションのみ適用される。 // Sets our custom AI file. Really, only animation settings will apply when this is set. // - Can sort actions against a imputted target (EG: On Percieved enemy) by // "GetLocalObject(OBJECT_SELF, "AI_TEMP_SET_TARGET");" /************************ [Important Spawn Settings] **************************/ /************************ [Targeting] ****************************************** 攻撃対象を選ぶ時の設定 All targeting settings. ************************* [Targeting] *****************************************/ //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_TARGETING_LIKE_LOWER_HP, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // 最もHPの低い敵を攻撃するようになる // We only attack the lowest current HP. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_TARGETING_LIKE_LOWER_AC, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // 最もACの低い敵を攻撃するようになる // We only attack the lowest AC (as in 1.2). //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_TARGETING_LIKE_LOWER_HD, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // 最もヒットダイスの低い敵を攻撃するようになる // Target the lowest hit dice //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_TARGETING_LIKE_MAGE_CLASSES, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // 一番近いメイジかソーサラーに向かうようになる // We go straight for mages/sorcerors. Nearest one. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_TARGETING_LIKE_ARCHERS, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // 一番近い飛び道具を持ってる相手に向かうようになる // We go for the nearest enemy with a ranged weapon equipped. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_TARGETING_LIKE_PCS, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // 一番近いPCに向かうようになる(乱戦用? // We go for the nearest seen PC enemy. //SetAIConstant(AI_FAVOURED_ENEMY_RACE, RACIAL_TYPE_HUMAN); // 最も近い特定種族を攻撃するようになる、RACIALタイプで人種を選べる // 人間の肉が好きなクリーチャーとか作れそう // The AI attacks the nearest enemy, seen, of this race. Use the RACIAL_* constants. //SetAIConstant(AI_FAVOURED_ENEMY_CLASS, CLASS_TYPE_BARD); // 最も近い特定クラスを攻撃するようになる、CLASSタイプでクラスを選べる // ウィザードを一番に狙うクリーチャーとか作れそう // The AI attacks the nearest enemy, seen, of this class. Use the CLASS_* constants. // Target changing - see readme for info. //SetAIInteger(AI_MAX_TURNS_TO_ATTACK_ONE_TARGET, 6); // 同じ敵を無条件に攻撃し続ける最大ラウンド数。このRが過ぎると攻撃対象を再チェックする。 // Maximum rounds to attack the current target, before re-checking. // %で攻撃対象を再チェックします、上から物理攻撃、距離、詠唱。 // % Chance to re-set each target type each round (Could result in current target still) //SetAIInteger(AI_MELEE_LAST_TO_NEW_TARGET_CHANCE, 20); //SetAIInteger(AI_RANGED_LAST_TO_NEW_TARGET_CHANCE, 20); //SetAIInteger(AI_SPELL_LAST_TO_NEW_TARGET_CHANCE, 20); //この設定をオンにした場合、PCだけを攻撃するようになる // We only target PC's if there are any in range if this is set //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_TARGETING_FILTER_FOR_PC_TARGETS, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // Main explanation of AI_SetAITargetingValues, see the AI readme (spawn file) //注意:例えばTARGETING_ACをオフにした場合、対象のACをチェックしません //(どうも処理を軽くするためにACの値自体を習得しない模様) // - Remember, uncommenting one will just ignore it (so will never check target's // AC without TARGETING_AC on) AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_MANTALS, TARGET_LOWER, i1, i12); // 呪文の詠唱に対して、対象にされているかボーっとしてる時に反応する // Spell mantals are checked only for the spell target. Either Absense of or got any. AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_RANGE, TARGET_HIGHER, i2, i9); // Range - very imporant! Basis for all ranged/spell attacks. // 遠距離の飛び道具/呪文攻撃を行う相手を優先的に攻撃する AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_AC, TARGET_LOWER, i2, i6); // ACは全ての物理攻撃に適用されます。低い相手を狙う。 // AC is used for all phisical attacks. Lower targets lower (By default). AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_SAVES, TARGET_LOWER, i2, i4); // 呪文による攻撃に反応する。 // Used for spell attacks. Saves are sorta a AC versus spells. // Phisical protections. Used by spells, ranged and melee. // ジャスパーは単純に(HPの低い)戦士か、メイジを(優先的に!)狙います。 // Jasperre - simple check if we are a fighter (hit lower phisicals) or a // mage (attack higher!) if(GetBaseAttackBonus(OBJECT_SELF) > ((GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF)/2) + 1)) { // Fighter/Clerics (It is over a mages BAB + 1 (IE 0.5 BAB/Level) target lower AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_PHISICALS, TARGET_LOWER, i2, i6); } else { // Mages target higher (so dispel/elemental attack those who fighters // cannot hit as much). (the lowest BAB, under half our hit dice in BAB) AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_PHISICALS, TARGET_HIGHER, i1, i5); } // Base attack bonus. Used for spells and phisical attacks. Checked with GetBaseAttackBonus. AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_BAB, TARGET_LOWER, i1, i4); // Hit dice - how powerful in levels the enemy is. Used for all checks. AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_HITDICE, TARGET_LOWER, i1, i3); //AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_HP_PERCENT, TARGET_LOWER, i1, i3); //AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_HP_CURRENT, TARGET_LOWER, i1, i3); //AI_SetAITargetingValues(TARGETING_HP_MAXIMUM, TARGET_LOWER, i1, i3); // The HP's are the last thing to choose a target with. /************************ [Targeting] *****************************************/ /************************ [Fleeing] ******************************************** 逃走 - ここで逃げる条件のオンオフを行う。 Fleeing - these are toggled on/off by FEARLESS flag. 知力3以下のクリーチャーはただ走って逃げ、4以上なら仲間の所に行くか逃げないでしょう。 3 or under intelligence will just run away. 4 or more will know where allies are, and if there are none, will not run. ************************* [Fleeing] *******************************************/ SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_FLEEING_FEARLESS, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // 逃げません。これがセットされているとスクリプトは終了します。 // Forces them to not flee. This may be set with AI_SetMaybeFearless at the end. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_FLEEING_NEVER_FIGHT_IMPOSSIBLE_ODDS, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // これがオンになっていると8ヒットダイス以上の敵からは逃れようとします // This will make the creature never fight against impossible odds (8HD+ different) //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_FLEEING_TURN_OFF_GROUP_MORALE, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // これはどんな種類のグループ士気もオフにします。 // This turns OFF any sort of group morale bonuses. //SetAIInteger(AMOUNT_OF_HD_DIFFERENCE_TO_CHECK, -2); // 敵のヒットダイスがこの範囲なら士気チェックをしません // If enemy is within this amount of HD, we do not check morale. //SetAIInteger(BASE_MORALE_SAVE, 20); // Base DC of the will save. It is set to 20 + HD difference - Morale - Group morale mod. //SetAIInteger(HP_PERCENT_TO_CHECK_AT, 80); // 士気チェックを行うHP%、勝てない敵と判断する訳ではありません // %HP needed to be at to check morale. This doesn't affect "Never fight impossible odds" //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_FLEEING_NO_OVERRIDING_HP_AMOUNT, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // This will turn off overriding HP checks. AI may decide to run even // not at the %HP above, this turns the checks off. //SetAIInteger(AI_DAMAGE_AT_ONCE_FOR_MORALE_PENALTY, GetMaxHitPoints()/6); // 最大HPの6分の1のダメージを受けると士気が下がります。 // Damage needed to be done at once to get a massive morale penalty (Below) //SetAIInteger(AI_DAMAGE_AT_ONCE_PENALTY, 6); // 上記の設定がオンになっている場合の、士気を減少させる値 // Penalty for the above, set for some time to negativly affect morale. Added to save DC for fleeing. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_FLEEING_FLEE_TO_NEAREST_NONE_SEEN, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // (?)セットすると逃げる時もっとも近い仲間の所へ行き、連れて戻ってくる // If set, just runs to nearest non-seen ally, and removes the loop for a good group of allies to run to. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_FLEEING_FLEE_TO_OBJECT, AI_TARGETING_FLEE_MASTER); // 設定すると下記のタグを持つ最も近いオブジェクトまで逃走するでしょう // They will flee to the nearest object of the tag below, if set. //SetLocalString(OBJECT_SELF, AI_FLEE_OBJECT, "BOSS_TAG_OR_WHATEVER"); // 上記の設定を使う場合は、これを設定する必要があるでしょう // This needs setting if the above is to work. /************************ [Fleeing] *******************************************/ /************************ [Combat - Fighters] ********************************** Fighter (Phiscal attacks, really) specific stuff - disarmed weapons, better at hand to hand, and archer behaviour. ************************* [Combat - Fighters] *********************************/ SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_PICK_UP_DISARMED_WEAPONS, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 何も装備して無い場合、武器を探して装備します // This sets to pick up weapons which are disarmed. //SetAIInteger(AI_RANGED_WEAPON_RANGE, 3); // これは遠距離武器を使用しているクリーチャーが近距離武器に持ち帰る距離です // This is the range at which they go into melee (from using a ranged weapon). Default is 3 or 5. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_BETTER_AT_HAND_TO_HAND, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 物凄い勢いで突っ込んで欲しい時はセットして下さい // Set if you want them to move forwards into HTH sooner. Will always // if the enemy is a mage/archer, else % based on range. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_ARCHER_ATTACKING, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 射手用の設定で、もし味方の支援があるなら後方に逃走して射撃します // For archers. If they have ally support, they'd rather move back & shoot then go into HTH. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_ARCHER_ALWAYS_MOVE_BACK, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // これは強制的に攻撃者から逃走させて弓を打たせます。殴りあう機械はごく僅かになるでしょう // This forces the move back from attackers, and shoot bows. Very small chance to go melee. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_ARCHER_ALWAYS_USE_BOW, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // いかなるときも弓を使うようになります // This will make the creature ALWAYs use any bows it has. ALWAYS. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_NO_GO_FOR_THE_KILL, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 死に掛けて倒れてるPCやHPの低いPCを狙うようになります // これはAIレベルが9~10の範囲でしか適用されません // Turns off any attempts to kill dying PCs, or attack low hit point people. // This is only ever attempted at 9 or 10 intelligence anyway. /************************ [Combat - Fighters] *********************************/ /************************ [Combat - Spell Casters] ***************************** スペルキャスターAIはかなり改良され、全てのスペルから無作為に選ぶようになりました。 マジックミサイルの代わりにネガティブエナジーレイを打つこともあります。 Spellcaster AI has been improved significantly. As well as adding all new spells, now spellcasters more randomly choose spells from the same level (EG: they may choose not to cast magic missile, and cast negative energy ray instead). カウンタースペル、早い段階での強化、チートスペル、ディスペル、スペルトリガー、 長射程呪文による先制攻撃、耐性呪文、AOEセッティングなどのオプションも含まれます。 There are also options here for counterspelling, fast buffing, Cheat cast spells, dispelling, spell triggers, long ranged spells first, immunity toggles, and AOE settings. ************************* [Combat - Spell Casters] ****************************/ //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_LONGER_RANGED_SPELLS_FIRST, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 呪文を唱えるのに移動しなくて良い場合は詠唱します。 // 長射程、中射程、短射程の順に唱えます(敵が僕のところに来ない時だけね!) // Casts spells only if the caster would not move into range to cast them. // IE long range spells, then medium, then short (unless the enemy comes to us!) //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_FLAG_FAST_BUFF_ENEMY, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 敵が40m以内に入った段階で味方に強化魔法を使う。 // When an enemy comes in 40M, we fast-cast many defensive spells, as if prepared. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_SUMMON_FAMILIAR, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // バッジャーかバットを使い間として呼び出す。 // The caster summons thier familiar/animal companion. Either a nameless Bat or Badger respectivly. //カウンタースペル/ディスペル // Counterspelling/Dispelling... // これらのチェックは対象クラスが20M以内に入った場合に作動します // It checks for these classes within the 20M counterspell range. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_COUNTER_SPELL_ARCANE, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 秘術呪文使い(ウィザード/ソーサラー)に対してカウンタースペルを試みます // If got dispels, it counterspells Arcane (Mage/Sorceror) spellcasters. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_COUNTER_SPELL_DIVINE, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 神聖呪文使い(クレリック/ドルイド)に対してカウンタースペルを試みます // If got dispels, it counterspells Divine (Cleric/Druid) spellcasters. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_COUNTER_SPELL_ONLY_IN_GROUP, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // おすすめ、5人以上の仲間が居るときだけカウンタースペルを試みます // Recommended. Only counterspells with 5+ allies in group. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_DISPEL_MAGES_MORE, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // Targets seen mages to dispel, else uses normal spell target. SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_DISPEL_IN_ORDER, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 何時でもディスペルを行う訳ではなく、幾つかの重要な呪文を優先して解除を行い、他を遅らせます。 // This will make the mage not dispel just anything all the time, but important (spell-stopping) // things first, others later, after some spells. If off, anything is dispelled. // AOE's(恐らく味方を巻き込むタイプの範囲攻撃) //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_NEVER_HIT_ALLIES, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 優先される設定、味方に当てないように範囲攻撃を使う // Override toggle. Forces to never cast AOE's if it will hit an ally + harm them. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_AOE_DONT_MIND_IF_THEY_SURVIVE, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 打っても生き残りそうな仲間なら、目標ごと爆破します。(訳者とそっくりだ(笑) // Allies who will survive the blast are ignored for calculating best target. //SetAIInteger(AI_AOE_ALLIES_LOWEST_IN_AOE, 3); // デフォルト3、この数より巻き込みそうなら止めます。 // Defualt: 3. If amount of allies in blast radius are equal or more then // this, then that location is ignored. //SetAIInteger(AI_AOE_HD_DIFFERENCE, -8); // デフォルト-8、これよりヒットダイスの低い仲間は無視して打ちます // Very weak allies (who are not comparable to us) are ignored if we would hit them. // For these 2, if neither are set, the AI will choose AOE more if there are // lots of enemies, or singles if there are not many. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_SINGLE_TARGETING, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 単体向けスペルを優先して使うでしょう // For Same-level spells, single target spells are used first. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_MANY_TARGETING, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 範囲攻撃スペルを優先して使うでしょう // For Same-level spells, AOE spells are used first. SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_IMPROVED_INSTANT_DEATH_SPELLS, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 敵がセーブに失敗しそうなら即死スペルを使うでしょう // A few Death spells may be cast top-prioritory if the enemy will always fail saves. SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_IMPROVED_SUMMON_TARGETING, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 対象に攻撃魔法を使うより、サモンクリーチャーを優先して使うでしょう // Will use a better target to summon a creature at (EG: Ranged attacker) SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_IMPROVED_IMMUNITY_CHECKING, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 耐性チェックをします、賢さ7以上の場合。 // Turns On "GetIsImmune" checks. Auto on for 7+ Intel. SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_IMPROVED_SPECIFIC_SPELL_IMMUNITY, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // グローブ系魔法が防ぐスペルレベルをチェックします。 // Turns On checks for Globes & levels of spells. Auto on for 9+ Intel. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_MORE_ALLY_BUFFING_SPELLS, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // とにかく強化魔法を優先して使用します // This will make the caster buff more allies - or, in fact, use spells // to buff allies which they might have not used before. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_USE_ALL_POTIONS, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // 戦う前に全ての強化ポーションを使用します // Uses all buffing spells before melee. //SetAICheatCastSpells(SPELL_MAGIC_MISSILE, SPELL_ICE_DAGGER, SPELL_HORIZIKAULS_BOOM, SPELL_MELFS_ACID_ARROW, SPELL_NEGATIVE_ENERGY_RAY, SPELL_FLAME_ARROW); // 特別な設定、メイジはいつもこのセットの魔法を使います。 // Special: Mages cast for ever with this set. // Spell triggers //SetSpellTrigger(SPELLTRIGGER_NOT_GOT_FIRST_SPELL, FALSE, 1, SPELL_PREMONITION); // This is just an example. See readme for more info. /************************ [Combat - Spell Casters] ****************************/ /************************ [Combat - Dragons] *********************************** 私はドラゴン好きですが、NWNでの彼らは多くの能力を失っています。 これは彼らにそれらの能力を与えるためのものです。 I have a fondness for dragons - in NWN they are deprived of many abilities. Here are some new ones for your enjoyment! Switches and flying for ANYTHING! :-) ************************* [Combat - Dragons] **********************************/ //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_NO_WING_BUFFET, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); //これはドラゴンに翼の強化を与えます、詳細はReadme。 //This sets so there is no Dragon wing buffet. Readme has details of it. //SetAIInteger(AI_DRAGON_FREQUENCY_OF_BUFFET, 3); // ドラゴンが飛ぶ最小間隔。デフォルトは3Rに一回。 // Min. Amount of Rounds between each buffet. See readme for counter defaults. Def: 3 //SetAIInteger(AI_DRAGON_FREQUENCY_OF_BREATH, 3); // ドラゴンがブレスを使用する最小間隔、デフォルトは3。 // Min. Amount of Rounds between each breath use. See readme for counter defaults. Def: 3 // Default checks for dragon flying automatic turning on of flying. if(GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_DRAGON) || GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) == RACIAL_TYPE_DRAGON) { SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_COMBAT_FLYING, AI_COMBAT_MASTER); // これはクラスにドラゴンをもっているか、種族がドラゴンの種族は全て飛ぶようにします。 // This turns ON combat flying. I think anything winged looks A-OK. See readme for info. } /************************ [Combat - Dragons] **********************************/ /************************ [Combat Other - Healers/Healing] ********************* 治療時の振る舞いについて~聖職者に限るものではない。 Healing behaviour - not specifically clerics. See readme. ************************* [Combat Other - Healers/Healing] ********************/ //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_HEAL_AT_PERCENT_NOT_AMOUNT, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // これが設定されると怪我をするとすぐに治療するようになります。 // if this is set, we ignore the amount we need to be damaged, as long // as we are under AI_HEALING_US_PERCENT. //SetAIInteger(AI_HEALING_US_PERCENT, 50); // HPが何%まで減ったら治療を開始するか。 // % of HP we need to be at until we heal us at all. Default: 50 //SetAIInteger(AI_HEALING_ALLIES_PERCENT, 60); // 仲間のHPが何%まで減ったら治療を開始するか。 // % of HP allies would need to be at to heal them Readme = info. Default: 60 SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_WILL_RAISE_ALLIES_IN_BATTLE, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // リザレクションやレイズデッドを使用する // Turns on rasing dead with Resurrection/Raise dead. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_CURING, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // 全ての回復をオフにします // This turns off all healing. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_ONLY_CURE_SELF, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // 味方を治療しなくなります // This turns off ally healing. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_ONLY_RESTORE_SELF, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // 味方を蘇生しなくなります // This turns off ally restoring (Remove/Restoration). //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_USE_BAD_HEALING_SPELLS, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // これは強制的に治療をさせます // This forces all cure spells to be used, check readme. //SetAIInteger(SECONDS_BETWEEN_STATUS_CHECKS, 30); // 動けない状態になったら指定秒の間、何もしないようにします。 // Seconds between when we loop everyone for bad effects like Fear/stun ETC. If not set, done each round. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_GIVE_POTIONS_TO_HELP, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // 治療を必要とする仲間にポーションを与えます // ActionGiveItem standard healing potion's to allies who need them, if they possess them. /************************ [Combat Other - Healers/Healing] ********************/ /************************ [Combat Other - Skills] ****************************** ここで設定されていない技能は使ったり使わなかったりします。 Skills are a part of fighting - EG Taunt. These are mainly on/off switches. A creature will *may* use it if they are not set to "NO_" for the skill. ************************* [Combat Other - Skills] *****************************/ // "NO" - 使わせないためのスイッチです // "NO" - This is for forcing the skill NEVER to be used by the combat AI. //"FORCE" - 無理矢理使わせる為のスイッチです // "FORCE" - This forces it on (and to be used), except if they have no got the skill. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_PICKPOCKETING, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_FORCE_PICKPOCKETING, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_TAUNTING, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_FORCE_TAUNTING, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_EMPATHY, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_FORCE_EMPATHY, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_HIDING, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_FORCE_HIDING, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_OPENING_LOCKED_DOORS, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_FORCE_OPENING_LOCKED_DOORS, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_USING_HEALING_KITS, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_PARRYING, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_FORCE_PARRYING, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_SEARCH, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_FORCE_SEARCH, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // - Concentration - special notes in the readme //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_NO_CONCENTRATION, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_FORCE_CONCENTRATION, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); /************************ [Combat Other - Skills] *****************************/ /************************ [Combat Other - Leaders] ***************************** リーダーやボスは幾つかの指示を出して士気を高めたり、 多くの仲間を呼び寄せたりします。 Leaders/Bosses can be set to issue some orders and inspire more morale - and bring a lot of allies to a battle at once! ************************* [Combat Other - Leaders] ****************************/ //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_GROUP_LEADER, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // 特別なリーダーで、特別な指示を出せます、詳しくはreadmeにて // Special leader. Can issuse some orders. See readme for details. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_COMBAT_BOSS_MONSTER_SHOUT, AI_OTHER_COMBAT_MASTER); // ボスの叫び声。一回だけ使う~指定範囲内の全てのクリーチャーを呼び寄せる // Boss shout. 1 time use - calls all creatures in X meters (below) for battle! //SetAIInteger(AI_BOSS_MONSTER_SHOUT_RANGE, 60); // デフォルト60m、1つの床パネルのの広さは60m // Defaults to a 60 M range. This can change it. Note: 1 toolset square = 10M. /************************ [Combat Other - Leaders] ****************************/ /************************ [Other - Behaviour/Generic] ************************** これらは全く分類不可能な、一般的な行動です。 This is generic behaviours - alright, really it is all things that cannot really be categorised. ************************* [Other - Behaviour/Generic] *************************/ //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_NO_CLEAR_ACTIONS_BEFORE_CONVERSATION, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // 喋る時に現在の行動を止めません、座ったまま喋ったりします。 // No ClearAllActions() before BeginConversation. May keep a creature sitting. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_NO_POLYMORPHING, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // 変身系呪文を使うのを止めさせる // This will stop all polymorphing spells feats from being used. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_CHEAT_MORE_POTIONS, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // HPが少なくなってポーションを持っていない場合、それを作成して使う。インチキ。 // If at low HP, and no potion, create one and use it. //SetAIConstant(AI_POLYMORPH_INTO, POLYMORPH_TYPE_WEREWOLF); // ダメージを受けたとき、設定されているクリーチャーに変身する // Polymorph to this creature when damaged (once, natural effect). //AI_CreateRandomStats(-3, 3, 6); // Create (Effect-applied) random statistics. // ステータスをランダムに上下させる値 //AI_CreateRandomOther(-2, 2, -2, 2, -2, 2, -2, 2); // HP、セービングスロー、ACをランダムに上下させる値 // Create (Effect-applied) random HP, saves, AC. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_RETURN_TO_SPAWN_LOCATION, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // 発生位置を記憶して、戦闘が終わったらそこに戻るようにします。 // This will store our spawn location, and then move back there after combat. SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_DONT_RESPOND_TO_EMOTES, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // 敵の全ての喋る動作を無視するでしょう // This will ignore ALL chat by PC's (Enemies) who speak actions in Stars - *Bow* //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_DONT_SHOUT, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // NPC同士でする見えない会話を止めます(AI的な指令や号令を無視する) // Turns off all silent talking NPC's do to other NPC's. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_SEARCH_IF_ENEMIES_NEAR, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // 以下に設定された範囲で、より近い敵に攻撃します // 近づいたら無差別攻撃を行うようなゴーレム用? // Move randomly closer to enemies in range set below. //SetAIInteger(AI_SEARCH_IF_ENEMIES_NEAR_RANGE, 25); // その範囲です // This is the range creatures use, in metres. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_ONLY_ATTACK_IF_ATTACKED, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // (?)攻撃された時に一回だけ攻撃する // One shot. We won't instantly attack a creature we see. See readme. //SetAIInteger(AI_DOOR_INTELLIGENCE, 1); // 3つの特別な"ドアに対する行動"設定。readmeを読め。動物向け。 // 3 Special "What to do with Doors" settings. See readme. Good for animals. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_REST_AFTER_COMBAT, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // 戦闘が終わった後でクリーチャーは休憩します。体調回復用 // When combat is over, creature rests. Useful for replenising health. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_NO_PLAYING_VOICE_CHAT, AI_OTHER_MASTER); //"PlayVoiceChat"のどんな使用も止めます。Custom speakstringsと共に使用します。 // Stops any use of "PlayVoiceChat". Use with Custom speakstrings. /*** Death settings - still under AI_OTHER_MASTER ***/ //AI_SetDeathResRef("Resref Here"); // クリーチャーの体が死によって破壊された時、対象のResrefからクリーチャーを作成します。 // 死んだクリーチャーからレイスを出す時なんかに使えそう // Creates a creature from the string set. Instantly destroys this creatures body on death. //SetAIConstant(AI_DEATH_VISUAL_EFFECT, VFX_FNF_IMPLOSION); // 死んだ時のエフェクト // Fires this visual effect number instantly on death. Use FNF and IMP ones. //SetAIInteger(AI_CORPSE_DESTROY_TIME, 30); // この時間が経過するとNPCの体は粉々に爆砕します。 // Seconds before body finally gets destroyed. Used for Clerical Raise Dead on NPC's. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_TURN_OFF_CORPSES, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // これはSetDestroyable()と上のタイマーを無効化します // This turns off the SetDestroyable() usually performed, and the above timer. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_USE_BIOWARE_LOOTING, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // 死体が見えなくなるとBiowareが作ったクールなSetLootable()状態にします // Makes the death file use Bioware's cool SetLootable() feature when corpses would disappear. //ラグや立ち遅れ対策、AIのレベルが低いクリーチャー用 //特定の部分を切る事によって馬鹿さ下限を演出したり、 //負荷軽減を行うことが出来ると言う事…かな? /*** Lag and a few performance settings - still under AI_OTHER_MASTER ***/ //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_LAG_NO_ITEMS, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // クリーチャーはどんな道具も呪文も使用しません // The creature doesn't check for, or use any items that cast spells. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_LAG_NO_SPELLS, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // クリーチャーはどんな呪文も使用しません(そして決してチェックしません) //The creature doesn't ever cast spells (and never checks them) //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_LAG_NO_LISTENING, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // クリーチャーは基本的な叫び声を聞きません // The creature doesn't have SetListening() set. Turns of the basic listening for shouts. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_LAG_EQUIP_MOST_DAMAGING, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // (?)装備がダメージを受けた時、2つめの装備を身に着けません // Uses EquipMostDamaging(), like Bioware code. No shield/second weapon equipped. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_LAG_NO_CURING_ALLIES, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // これは仲間の治療や状態のチェックを止めるでしょう // This will stop checks for and curing of allies ailments. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_LAG_IGNORE_HEARTBEAT, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // ハートビートのチェックを止めるでしょう // Stops the heartbeat running (Except Pre-Heartbeat-event). //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_OTHER_LAG_TARGET_NEAREST_ENEMY, AI_OTHER_MASTER); // ターゲッティング設定を無視して、最も近い敵を攻撃するようにする。 // Ignores targeting settings. VERY good for lag/bad AI. Attacks nearest seen enemy. /*** AI Level setting - Do not use AI_LEVEL_DEFAULT at all. ***/ //SetAIConstant(LAG_AI_LEVEL_NO_PC_OR_ENEMY_50M, AI_LEVEL_VERY_LOW); // PCが50m以内に居ない時はAIをすごい馬鹿にします // Changes to this AI setting if there is no enemy or PC in 50M. //SetAIConstant(LAG_AI_LEVEL_YES_PC_OR_ENEMY_50M, AI_LEVEL_LOW); // PCが50m以内に居ない時はAIを馬鹿にします // Changes to this AI setting if there IS an enemy or PC in 50M. //SetAIConstant(LAG_AI_LEVEL_COMBAT, AI_LEVEL_NORMAL); // これは他のより優先します。直接戦闘に召喚する時以外は使わないでください。 // This OVERRIDES others. Only used when a creature is put into combat. /************************ [Other - Behaviour/Generic] *************************/ /************************ [User Defined and Shouts] **************************** The user defined events, set up to fire here. - New "Start combat attack" and "End Combat Attack" events - New "Pre" events. Use these to optionally stop a script from firing under cirtain circumstances as well! (Read nw_c2_defaultd or j_ai_onuserdef) (User Defined Event = UDE) ************************* [User Defined and Shouts] ***************************/ //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_HEARTBEAT_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1001 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_HEARTBEAT_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1021 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_PERCIEVE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1002 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_PERCIEVE_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1022 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_END_COMBAT_ROUND_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1003 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_END_COMBAT_ROUND_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1023 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_ON_DIALOGUE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1004 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_ON_DIALOGUE_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1024 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_ATTACK_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1005 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_ATTACK_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1025 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_DAMAGED_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1006 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_DAMAGED_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1026 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_DEATH_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1007 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_DEATH_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1027 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_DISTURBED_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1008 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_DISTURBED_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1028 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_RESTED_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1009 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_RESTED_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1029 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_SPELL_CAST_AT_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1011 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_SPELL_CAST_AT_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1031 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_ON_BLOCKED_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1015 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_ON_BLOCKED_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1035 //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_COMBAT_ACTION_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1012 // Fires when we have finnished all combat actions. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_COMBAT_ACTION_PRE_EVENT, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1032 // This fires at the start of DetermineCombatRound() *IF they can do an action*. //SetSpawnInCondition(AI_FLAG_UDE_DAMAGED_AT_1_HP, AI_UDE_MASTER); // UDE 1014 // Fires when we are damaged, and are at 1 HP. Use for immortal-flagged creatures. /*** Speakstrings - as it were, said under cirtain conditions % chance each time ***/ //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_CONVERSATION, 100, 4, "Hello there", "I hope you enjoy your stay", "Do you work here too?", "*Hic*"); // On Conversation - see readme. Replaces BeginConversation(). // Morale //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_MORALE_BREAK, 100, 3, "No more!", "I'm outta here!", "Catch me if you can!"); // Spoken at running point, if they run to a group of allies. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_CANNOT_RUN, 100, 3, "Never give up! Never surrender!", "I've no where to run, so make my day!", "RRRAAAAA!!!"); // Spoken at running point, if they can find no ally to run to, and 4+ Intelligence. See readme //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakValue(AI_TALK_ON_STUPID_RUN, "Ahhhhgggg! NO MORE! Run!!"); // As above, when morale breaks + no ally, but they panic and run from enemy at 3 or less intelligence. // Combat //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_COMBAT_ROUND_EQUAL, 5, 4, "Come on!", "You won't win!", "We are not equals! I am better!", "Nothing will stop me!"); //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_COMBAT_ROUND_THEM_OVER_US, 5, 4, "I'll try! try! and try again!", "Tough man, are we?", "Trying out your 'skills'? Pathetic excuse!", "Nothing good will come from killing me!"); //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_COMBAT_ROUND_US_OVER_THEM, 5, 4, "My strength is mighty then yours!", "You will definatly die!", "NO chance for you!", "No mercy! Not for YOU!"); // Spoken each DetermineCombatRound. % is /1000. See readme for Equal/Over/Under values. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_TAUNT, 100, 3, "You're going down!", "No need to think, let my blade do it for you!", "Time to meet your death!"); // If the creature uses thier skill, taunt, on an enemy this will be said. // Event-driven. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_PERCIEVE_ENEMY, 70, 6, "Stand and fight, lawbreaker!", "Don't run from the law!", "I have my orders!", "I am ready for violence!", "CHARGE!", "Time you died!"); // This is said when they see/hear a new enemy, and start attacking them. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_DAMAGED, 20, 2, "Ouch, damn you!", "Haha! Nothing will stop me!"); // A random value is set to speak when damaged, and may fire same time as below ones. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_PHISICALLY_ATTACKED, 20, 2, "Hah! Mear weapons won't defeat me!", "Pah! You cannot defeat me with such rubbish!"); // This is said when an enemy attacks the creature with a melee/ranged weapon. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakArray(AI_TALK_ON_HOSTILE_SPELL_CAST_AT, 20, 2, "No one spell will stop me!", "Is that all you have!?!"); // This is said when an enemy attacks the creature with a hostile spell. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakValue(AI_TALK_ON_DEATH, "Agggggg!"); // This will ALWAYS be said, whenever the creature dies. // Specific potion ones. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakValue(AI_TALK_WE_PASS_POTION, "Here! Catch!"); // クリーチャーが仲間にポーションを渡す時に喋る内容 // This will be spoken when the creature passes a potion to an ally. See readme. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakValue(AI_TALK_WE_GOT_POTION, "Got it!"); // (?)多分クリーチャーがポーションを受け取った時に喋る // This will be spoken by the creature we pass the potion too, using AssignCommand(). // Leader ones //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakValue(AI_TALK_ON_LEADER_SEND_RUNNER, "Quickly! We need help!"); // リーダーが仲間を呼ぶときに喋る内容 // This will be said when the leader, if this creature, sends a runner. //AI_SetSpawnInSpeakValue(AI_TALK_ON_LEADER_ATTACK_TARGET, "Help attack this target!"); // リーダーが攻撃対象を指定する時に喋る無いよう // When the leader thinks target X should be attacked, it will say this. /************************ [User Defined and Shouts] ***************************/ /************************ [Bioware: Animations/Waypoints/Treasure] ************* All Bioware Stuff. I'd check out "x0_c2_spwn_def" for the SoU/Hordes revisions. ************************* [Bioware: Animations/Waypoints/Treasure] ************/ // SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_STEALTH, NW_GENERIC_MASTER); // SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_SEARCH, NW_GENERIC_MASTER); // ウェイポイントを歩いている間に使う技能、隠密と探索 // Uses said skill while WalkWaypoints() // SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_DAY_NIGHT_POSTING, NW_GENERIC_MASTER); // 昼と夜で使用するウェイポイントを変える、"nw_i0_generic"の使い方を読もう。 // Separate the NPC's waypoints into day & night. See comment in "nw_i0_generic" for use. // SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_IMMOBILE_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS, NW_GENERIC_MASTER); // 近くの友好的なクリーチャーに会話などのアニメーションをする。 // This will cause an NPC to use common animations it possesses, // and use social ones to any other nearby friendly NPCs. // SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS, NW_GENERIC_MASTER); // 上と殆ど同じだけど、ランダムにエリアを彷徨うようになる // Same as above, except NPC will wander randomly around the area. // SetAnimationCondition(NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_CIVILIZED); // より文明的な動きをします、Readmeを読んでください // Interacts with placeables + More civilized actions. See Readme. // SetAnimationCondition(NW_ANIM_FLAG_CHATTER); // 暇ならランダムでボイスチャットを使うでしょう。 // Will use random voicechats during animations, if Civilized // SetAnimationCondition(NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_MOBILE_CLOSE_RANGE); // ごく限られた距離でウロウロするでしょう。 // Will move around the area a bit more, if using Immobile Animations. See readme. // Treasure generating. //CTG_GenerateNPCTreasure(); // SoU. Requires "x0_i0_treasure" to be uncommented. See readme. //GenerateNPCTreasure(); // Default NwN. Requires "nw_o2_coninclude" to be uncommented. See readme. /************************ [Bioware: Animations/Waypoints/Treasure] ************/ // AI Behaviour. DO NOT CHANGE! DO NOT CHANGE!!! AI_SetUpEndOfSpawn(); // これは以下のイベントを発動させるために、必ず呼ばなければならない。 // This MUST be called. It fires these events: // SetUpSpells, SetUpSkillToUse, SetListeningPatterns, SetWeapons, AdvancedAuras. // 必ず呼ぶ事! でないとこのAIは何もしない! // These MUST be called! the AI might fail to work correctly if they don't fire! /************************ [User] *********************************************** This is the ONLY place you should add user things, on spawn, such as visual effects or anything, as it is after SetUpEndOfSpawn. By default, this does have encounter animations on. This is here, so is easily changed :-D Be careful otherwise. Notes: - SetListening is already set to TRUE, unless AI_FLAG_OTHER_LAG_NO_LISTENING is on. - SetListenPattern's are set from 0 to 7. - You can use the wrappers AI_SpawnInInstantVisual and AI_SpawnInPermamentVisual for visual effects (Instant/Permament as appropriate). ************************* [User] **********************************************/ // ユーザー追加イベントの例 // Example (and default) of user addition: // もしクリーチャーがエンカウンターから生まれた場合、適当に動き回るようセットする。 // - If we are from an encounter, set mobile (move around) animations. if(GetIsEncounterCreature()) { SetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS, NW_GENERIC_MASTER); } // Leave this in if you use the variable for creature attacks, as for golems. Bioware's code. int nNumber = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "CREATURE_VAR_NUMBER_OF_ATTACKS"); if(nNumber > 0) { SetBaseAttackBonus(nNumber); } /************************ [User] **********************************************/ // 注意:貴方は本当にこれを取り除くべきではありません。たとえウェイポイントを持たないとしても。 // Note: You shouldn't really remove this, even if they have no waypoints. DelayCommand(f2, SpawnWalkWayPoints()); // Delayed walk waypoints, as to not upset instant combat spawning. // This will also check if to change to day/night posts during the walking, no heartbeats. }

