

Thyme-和訳」(2010/04/16 (金) 01:09:25) の最新版変更点



'''Thyme'''は、Phun内部につくられたスクリプト言語です。[[Emil氏>]]により開発され、重力の大きさなどの値を変更するのに使用されます。 このスクリプトは、[F11]を押して現れるコンソール画面で入力するか、.phnファイル内に埋め込むか、背景にペーストすることで効力を発揮します。なお、[F11]を押して現れるコンソール画面上では、Tabを入力することで自動補完されます。 変数は何に使用されるかによってグループ分けされています。 グループ: &link_anchor(APP.){APP.} &link_anchor(Console.){Console.} &link_anchor(FileInfo.){FileInfo.}(new since Beta 4) &link_anchor(GUI.){GUI.}(not the same as &link_anchor(App.GUI.){App.GUI.}) &link_anchor(Keys.){Keys.} &link_anchor(math.){math.} &link_anchor(Resources.){Resources.} &link_anchor(SPH.){SPH.} &link_anchor(Scene.){Scene.} (new since Beta 4) &link_anchor(Sim.){Sim.} &link_anchor(System.){System.} *&aname(APP.,option=nolink){App.} App.はレンダリングに関する設定を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |Background. || サブグループ || &link_anchor(App.Background.){App.Background.}参照| |DPI || 正の整数 || 1インチ当たりのドットの数 (初期値86)| |GUI. || サブグループ || &link_anchor(App.GUI.){App.GUI.}参照| |HQPolygons || true or false || Whether to store polygon distance maps in much larger textures or not| |Redo || function || Execute a redo step| |Undo || function || Execute an undo step| |alwaysCalcContacts || true or false || Whether to calculate collisions every frame or not| |autosaveEnable || true or false || Whether to autosave every set amount of time or not| |autosaveTime || 正の小数 || 自動保存をする間隔 (初期値30)| |borderWidth || 正の小数 || オブジェクトの境界線の幅 (初期値0.1)| |borders || trueもしくはfalse || Sets if borders should be rendered| |chainDensityFactor || 正の小数 || The density per circle in a chain divided by two| |checkForUpdates || true or false || Whether to check for updates and news each "updateinterval" days or not| |currentPalette || string || The colour palette currently used| |dragToolStrength || 正の小数 || ドラッグツール(引っ張る)の強さ (初期値0.25)| |drawBCs || trueもしくはfalse || オブジェクト(ポリゴン)の衝突半径の表示 (初期false)| |drawBodyCenters || trueもしくはfalse || オブジェクト中心の表示 (初期false)| |drawCables || true or false || Whether to show cables or not| |drawCollisions || trueもしくはfalse || 衝突線の表示 (初期false)| |drawMapOBBs || trueもしくはfalse || If the oriented bounding box map should be visible (初期false)| |drawOBBs || trueもしくはfalse || If the minimum oriented bounding box (初期false)| |drawParticleCenters || trueもしくはfalse || 水粒子中心の表示 (初期false)| |drawParticleNeighbors || true or false || If the connection of particles (water) should be drawn as lines| |drawScaleIndicator || true or false || Whether to show the scale or not | |drawSelectionOBB || true or false || App.drawOBBs for objects selected| |drawVelocityFactor || decimal value || The multiplier for velocity lines (shown when BodyCenters are shown) | |drawVertices || trueもしくはfalse || ポリゴン頂点の表示 (初期false)| |enableScriptMenu || true or false || Whether the script menu for each object is accessible or not| |fadeColor || array of three decimal values || Used in GroovyOn, easteregg function| |fadeRotate || 少数 || Used in GroovyOn, easteregg function  (初期値0)| |fadeScale || 二つの少数の配列 || Used in GroovyOn, easteregg function (初期値[0.94999999,0.94999999])| |fadeTranslate || 二つの少数の配列 || Used in GroovyOn, easteregg function (初期値[2,3])| |forceVertexPolygonDrawing || true or false || Whether to force drawing of all verticies(true) or not (false) (this also upgrades collisions) | |gpuWater || true or false || Whether to use hardware surface generation (true) or not (false)| |killerPlanes || true or false || Whether new scenes should add killerPlanes (true) or not (false) (also affects current scene)| |language || string || 使用する言語| |laserBroadPhase || true or false || Whether to enable increased performance of lasers (true) or not (false)| |laserEvents || true or false || Whether to enable onHitByLaser and onLaserHit (true) or not (false)| |laserResolution || decimal positive value || The quality for finite light speed| |laserSuperBoost || decimal positive value || Allows more ray splits| |laserWaterBVH || true or false || Whether to increase laser performance against water using bounding volume hierarchies (true) or not (false)| |laserWidth || decimal || Laser ray size relative to laser body| |lineWidth || 正の小数 || 描画時の線の幅 (初期値3)| |marchingSquaresResolution || decimal || ???| |maxBorderArea || decimal || The maximum area relative to the geometry that can be taken up by the border| |maxBorderAreaSpecial || decimal || The maximum area relative to the geometry that can be taken up by the selection border| |maxCogs || integer || The maximum number of cogs avaliable on each gear| |maxPointDist || 正の小数 || ポリゴンの頂点の間隔(値が小さいほど高精度) (初期値0.5)| |maxPolygonBorderFactor || decimal || The width of a polygons border| |maxSPHspawn || 正の整数 || 生成される水粒子の最大数 (初期値10000)| |maxTracerLife || positive integer value || The number of frames of an individual tracer that are recorded| |maxUndo || 正の整数 || やり直しの最大数 (初期値35)| |metaCutoff || decimal positive value || Meta-surface generation cutoff 0.5| |metaWater || true or false || Whether meta-surface generation is on (true) or off (false) true| |minPointDist || decimal positive value || minimum distance between vertices drawn by draw tool 0.20| |mousePos || array of two decimal values || The position of the mouse| |numColorsInRainbow || positive integer || The number of colours each ray splits into 12| |pointSize || positive decimal value || (integer recommended?) size of vertex points(if visible) 4.0| |polytoolPreviewColor || array of four decimal values || The color of the preview area of each polygon [1, 0.5, 1, 0.4]| |scaleGravityField || true or false || Whether to scale field arrows with gravity strength(true) or not(false) false| |sceneFadeInTime || decimal || How long it takes for a scene to fade in 1| |screenshotsWithAlpha || true or false || Saves scenes with the alpha channel in tact (transparent screenshots) false| |showGravityField || true or false || Whether to show the gravity field for attraction(true) or not(false) false| |updateInterval || positive integer || The news and update checking interval (days) 1| |waterColor || array of three decimal values || The color of the water [0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.7]| |waterElongation || decimal positive value || multiplier for stretching of water drops when speed increases 0.050| |waterFanceyFactor || decimal positive value || quality of fancy water rendering 10.0| |waterMaxElongation || decimal positive value || Maximum stretch of fancy water droplets 2.0| |waterRefractiveIndex || decimal positive value || The reflective-ness of water 1.33| |waterTracerLightness || decimal positive value || How bright water tracers are in relation to the colour of the water 0.75| |waterTracerSize || decimal positive value || The size of the water tracers 0.015| |waterTracers || integer || The fraction of a water particle that should have a tracer 0| &aname(App.Background.,option=nolink){APP.Background.} はPhunの背景の空に関係のある変数のグループです。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |cloudOpacity || 正の少数 || 背景の雲の透明度 (初期0.89999998)| |cuteClouds || boolean || Whether to use normal (false) or cute (true) clouds| |drawClouds || trueもしくはfalse || 雲の表示 (初期true)| |skyColor || 四つの少数 || 背景の色[赤,緑,青,透] (初期値[0.30000001,0.40000001,1,1])| &aname(App.GUI.,option=nolink){App.GUI.}はGUIに関する設定を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |Forces. || sub group || &link_anchor(App.GUI.Forces.){App.GUI.Forces.}参照| |Rebuild || function || Reload all the GUI.| |alikeTolerance || integer || The maximum number of differences to be selected by the "Select alike" command 0| |allowDrawSelect || boolean || Select by encircling on (true) or off (false) true| |cv_sketchMorphTime || float || The time before a shape is formed by the sketch tool 0.5| |dragUndo || boolean || Whether drag saves an undo step (true) or not (false) true| |drawDragLine || boolean || Whether to show the line from the point of dragging to the mouse (true) or not (false) true| |drawHingesWhenRunning || boolean || Whether to show hinges when running (true) or not (false) true| |geomGenMinArea || float || Not sure what this does 0.0009| |geomGenShrink || float || Not sure what this does either -0.0033| |geomGenTolerance || float || Not sure what this does either 1.2| |level || integer || The level of interface 1 (Simple), 2 (Medium) or 3 (Advanced) 1| |toolGestureSensitivity || float || How sensitive cancel gestures are 1| |toolGestures || boolean || Whether to cancel a tool by shaking the mouse (true) or not (false) true| |toolSpecificCursors || boolean || Whether to show a different cursor for each tool (true) or not (false) true| |trapUser || boolean || Whether the user is able to quit, open ingame links and toggle fullscreen (false) or not (true) false| |useHSL || boolean || Use the old colour system (Hue Saturation Lightness)(true) as opposed to HSV (Hue Saturation Value)(false) false| |zoomFactor || float || How fast a user zooms in and out 0.2| &aname(App.GUI.Forces.,option=nolink){App.GUI.Forces.}は~に関する設定を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |airBuoyancy || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for airBuoyancy (true) or not (false) true| |airBuoyancyText || string || The text to show accompanying the airBuoyancy visualisation -adg| |airFriction || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for airFriction (true) or not (false) ture| |airFrictionText || string || The text to show accompanying the airFriction visualisation -fv| |attraction || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for attraction (true) or not (false) true| |attractionText || string || The text to show accompanying the attraction attraction visualisation A| |contactCombinationDistance || float || The distance in screen centimetres(cm) distance before normal visualisation arrows join into one 1.2| |drawForces || boolean || Whether to show all force visualisations (true) or not (false) false| |drawNames || boolean || Whether to show all force names (true) or not (false) true| |drawValues || boolean || Whether to show all force values (true) or not (false) false| |external || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for external forces (true) or not (false) true| |externalText || string || The text to show accompanying the external forces visualisation ext| |forceScale || float || The scale of the arrow visualisation of foce visualisation 1| |friction || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for friction (true) or not (false) true| |frictionProjection || boolean || Whether to show friction from both directions (false) or the direction the force pushes(true) true| |frictionText || string || The text to show accompanying the friction visualisation T| |gravity || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for gravity (true) or not (false) true| |gravityText || string || The text to show accompanying the gravity visualisation mg| |hinge || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for the for the force of hinges (true) or not (false) true| |hingeText || string || The text to show accompanying the hinge visualisation H| |normal || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for normal forces (true) or not (false) true| |normalText || string || The text to show accompanying the normal forces visualisation N| |spring || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for spring forces (true) or not (false) true| |springText || string || The text to show accompanying the spring forces visualisation -kx-bv| |total || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for the total force (true) or not (false) true| |totalText || string || The text to show accompanying the total force visualisation| |velScale || float || The scale of the velocity visualisation 1| |velocities || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for velocities (true) or not (false) false| *&aname(Console.,option=nolink){Console.} コンソール関連の変数群です。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |clear || function || Clears the console window| |color || four positive decimal values || The RGBA color code for the console window| |delay || positive decimal value || The amount of seconds it takes before the console appears| |fade || true or false || If the console window should fade in transparency lengthwise| |screenSize || positive decimal value || How much of the screen should be covered by the console. 0.0 = 0%, 1 = 100%| |scroll || true or false || If the console window should scroll in view, or fade in view when opened| *&aname(FileInfo.,option=nolink){FileInfo.} FileInfo.(ファイル情報)はファイルの作者名・タイトル・説明 を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |author || string || Defines the author of a file| |description || string || Gives a description of the file| |title || string || The title of the file| |version || string || Version of thyme used to make the file| *&aname(GUI.,option=nolink){GUI.} 操作画面に関連するものです。表示に使用するフォントやウィンドウのサイズ等を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |clickTimeTolerance || positive decimal value || how long time in seconds before a click is no longer a click| |clcikTolerance || positive decimal value || how far in pixels the mouse may move before a click is not longer a click| |crispFontFactor|| positive decimal value || amount of crispiness on the fonts.. Don't touch, default is good enough| |crispFonts|| true or false || Whether or not to use crisp fonts| |font|| string || what font to use. Only fixedsys and arial_black are supported as of now| |fontShadow|| true or false || whether or not to render shadows of text| |fontShadowOffset|| array of two decimal values || XY offset of shadow| |forceOSCursor|| true or false || force operating system cursor or use the phun cursors| |opaqueness|| positive decimal value || transparency of user interface| |scale||positive decimal value || scale of user interface| *&aname(Keys.,option=nolink){Keys.} Keysはキーをバインドすることにのみ使用します。 この関数を使うことで、あるキーが押下されたとき実行するコードを記述出来ます。 Keys.bind("space", {Sim.running = ! Sim.running}); *&aname(math.,option=nolink){math.} Mathに変数はなく、数学的な定数と関数を提供します。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |acos(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the inverse cosine of the number entered | |add(x,y) || function, x & y = decimal || adds two numbers together| |asin(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the inverse sine of the number entered | |atan(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the inverse tangent of the number entered | |cos(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the cosine of the number entered | |divide(x,y) || function, x & y = decimal || divides x by y | |multiply(x,y) || function, x & y = decimal|| multiplies x by y | |negate(x) || function, x = boolean || flips the value of x | |pi || constant || gives a value of 3.1415926535.... | |sin(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the sine of the number entered | |subtract(x,y) || function, x & y = decimal|| subtracts y from x | |tan(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the tangent of the number entered | *&aname(Resources.,option=nolink){Resources.} Resourcesはほとんどのユーザーは無視してかまいません。16bitテクスチャやシェーダなどのリソースへのアクセスを扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |force16BitTextures || true or false || whether or not 16 bit color-mode should be used| |loadAll || function || loads all resources into the ram| |reloadAll || function || reload all resources| |reloadShaders || function || reload only shaders| |reloadTextures || function || reload only textures| |shaders || true or false || whether or not shaders should be used| |unloadAll || function || unload all resources| |vramUsage || read-only decimal positive value || how much bytes of video RAM are used by Phun| *&aname(SPH.,option=nolink){SPH.} SPHとは[[Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics>]]のことで、phunにおける流体のシミュレーションに使われています。SPH粒子は流体と、その密度や流れを表現します。粒子の動きは圧力、粘性、また様々な外的な力(重力や界面の状態など)に左右されます。流体は圧力の働きにより体積を一定に保とうとしますが、phunでの処理時間の制約により、現実の水よりはかなり弾力があります。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |SPH.AVG_density || decimal positive value || average density of the water (related to pressure)| |SPH.AVG_neighCount|| decimal positive value || average number of neighbouring drops of water | |SPH.AVG_pressure|| decimal positive value || average pressure exerted on the water| |SPH.bucketSize|| decimal positive value || use when checking SPH neighbourhood. Changing this value should not affect behavior, but may affect performance.| |SPH.density|| decimal positive value || the weight of a water droplet.| |SPH.friction|| decimal positive value || the amount of friction experienced between two water droplets.| |SPH.hashInfo|| function || gives information about the water. Bucket size, number of particles and average bucket size| |SPH.influence|| decimal positive value || the influcence radius of an SPH particle. A larger value will give a slower, but maybe more stable, simulation.| |SPH.jitter|| decimal positive value || adds random movement to the SPH particle. The larger the value, the stronger forces. A value of 0 means no jitter.| |SPH.pressMultiplier|| decimal positive value || multiplication factor of pressure forces| |SPH.radius|| decimal positive value || the size of a water droplet.| |SPH.restitution|| decimal positive value || the amount of bounciness of the water| |SPH.soundSpeed|| decimal positive value || the update frequency of the water system| |SPH.specialPressure|| true or false || changes to a different pressure averaging formula| |SPH.surfaceTension|| decimal positive value || not used| |SPH.vaporizeTime || decimal positive value || the time that a water droplet can be idle before it disappears.| |SPH.viscMultiplier|| decimal positive value || multiplication factor of viscosity forces| |SPH.viscosity|| decimal positive value || the viscosity of the water| *&aname(Scene.,option=nolink){Scene.} Sceneは主にphunのファイルを操作するのに使い、例えばオブジェクトを追加したり、削除したりすることが出来ます。 |変数名||変数型||説明| |Camera. || sub-group || see &link_anchor(Scene.Camera.){Scene.Camera.}| |Clear || function || clears the entire scene of objects and water| |EraseWater || function || clears only water| |New || function || creates a new scene, and resets all scene variables to default| |addBox || function || adds a box| |addCircle || function || adds a circle| |addFixjoint || function || adds a fixate| |addGroup || function || adds a group| |addHinge || function || adds a hinge| |addPen || function || adds a pen| |addPlane || function || adds a plane| |addPolygon || function || adds a complex polygon| |addSpring || function || adds a spring| |addWater || function || adds water| |addWidget || function || adds a window| |author || string || author of the file| |description || string || description of file| |title || string || title of file| 「addXXX」となっている関数については、[[phn形式について]]もご覧下さい。 &aname(Scene.Camera.,option=nolink){Scene.Camera.} は &link_anchor(Scene.){Scene.} のサブグループで、カメラに関する変数群です。ズームとパンを扱います。 |変数名||変数型||説明| |pan || array of two decimal values || XY position of the camera | |zoom || positive decimal value || zoom factor of camera| *&aname(Sim.,option=nolink){Sim.} Simはかなり大きな変数グループで、シミュレーションを制御する様々な変数を扱っています。シミュレーションの精度を変更したり、摩擦などに影響を与えたり出来ます。また、一部の力学エンジンを使用するか否かも決められます。これらの変数はphunの内部に影響を与えるので、&u(){弄る時は自己責任}でお願いします。 |変数名||変数型||説明| |adHocSolver || true or false || if true, switches from [[SPOOK>]] to a different and more basic solver. default is false| |airDensity || positive decimal value || density of the air| |airFrictionLinear || positive decimal value || linear friction of the air | |airFrictionQuadratic || positive decimal value || quadratic friction of the air| |airSwitch || true or false || whether air friction is enabled or not| |defaultBodyDensity || positive decimal value || default density of objects| |defaultBodyFriction || positive decimal value || default friction of objects| |defaultBodyRestitution || positive decimal value || default bounciness of objects| |fallLimit || positive decimal value || the limit of when an object gets deleted after falling outside of the screen| |gravity || array of two decimal values || X and Y force of gravity| |gravitySwitch || true or false || whether gravity is enabled or not| |leapFrog || true or false || if false, switches to euler integration instead of leap-frog. true by default.| |maxPositionCorrection || positive decimal value || sets the maximum penetration used when applying impulses in constraint violations. Set to infinity by default.| |prioritizedSolver || true or false || if set to true, will yield a more stable, but far slower, constraint solver.| |rotFrictionLinear || positive decimal value || linear rotational friction| |running || true or false || whether the simulation is running or not| |solveAccFactor || positive decimal value || sets how much the solver will conuter-act acceleration differences between two constrained bodies. Set to 1 by default. Don't touch.| |solveConstant || positive decimal value || Affects the [[SPOOK>]] solver. Don't touch!| |solveDconstraints || positive decimal value || The number of time steps the [[SPOOK>]] solver will aim to satisfy a hinge contraint within. A low number means faster convergence; a high number means more damped and stable simulation.| |solveDcontacts || positive decimal value || The number of time steps the [[SPOOK>]] solver will aim to satisfy c contact within. A low number means faster convergence; a high number means more damped and stable simulation.| |solveDistFactor || positive decimal value || sets how much the solver will conuter-act penteration in constraint violation. Set to 1 by default. Don't touch.| |solveIter || positive decimal value || the number of constraint solving iterations. A higher number means a more stable simulation.| |solvePenetrationDamping || true or false || not used.| |solvePreSortConstraints || true or false || sets if the constraints will be ordered by violation amount before solving them. true by default.| |solveRegularizationFactor || positive decimal value || Affects the amount of regalurization in the [[SPOOK>]] solver. Set to 1 by default.| |solveVelFactor || positive decimal value || sets how much the solver will conuter-act velocity differences between two constrained bodies. Set to 1 by default. Don't touch.| |springForce || positive decimal value || this is the value by which spring strengths are multiplied. Alterning this will change the strength of all springs.| |targetPenetration || positive decimal value || sets how much penetration is allowed in a contact| |time || constant positive decimal value || number of seconds the simulation has been running| |timeDelta || positive decimal value || time between two physics engine solvings| |timeFactor || positive decimal value || sets the simulation speed. A value of 1 means realtime.| |warmStart || true or false || whether or not to apply forces at sim start| |warmStartFactor || positive decimal value || multiplication value of warm-start forces existing at sim start| *&aname(System.,option=nolink){System.} Systemはシステムに関する設定です。よほど知識のある方以外は触らないでください。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |antiAlias || positive integer value || determines the amount of antialias used| |depth || positive integer value || color depth| |exit || function || shuts down the game| |fullscreen || true or false || sets phun to fullscreen and back| |maxFPS || decimal positive value || the maximum allowed FPS| |minFPS || decimal positive value || the minimum allowed FPS| |objectCurrent || Read only positive integer value || don't touch| |objectHandleCurrent || Read only positive integer value || don't touch| |objectTotal || Read only positive integer value || the total amount of objects| |recreateWindow || function || rebuilds the main window| |resizable || true or false || if the window can be resized or not| |resolution || array of 2 positive integers || the resolution of the window| |screenshot || function || makes a screenshot of the window| |time || decimal positive value || the amount of seconds the game has been running| |vSync || true or false || if vSync is enabled|
'''Thyme'''は、Phun内部につくられたスクリプト言語です。[[Emil氏>]]により開発され、重力の大きさなどの値を変更するのに使用されます。 このスクリプトは、[F11]を押して現れるコンソール画面で入力するか、.phnファイル内に埋め込むか、背景にペーストすることで効力を発揮します。なお、[F11]を押して現れるコンソール画面上では、Tabを入力することで自動補完されます。 変数は何に使用されるかによってグループ分けされています。 グループ: &link_anchor(APP.){APP.} &link_anchor(Console.){Console.} &link_anchor(FileInfo.){FileInfo.}(new since Beta 4) &link_anchor(GUI.){GUI.}(not the same as &link_anchor(App.GUI.){App.GUI.}) &link_anchor(Keys.){Keys.} &link_anchor(math.){math.} &link_anchor(Resources.){Resources.} &link_anchor(SPH.){SPH.} &link_anchor(Scene.){Scene.} (new since Beta 4) &link_anchor(Sim.){Sim.} &link_anchor(System.){System.} *&aname(APP.,option=nolink){App.} App.はレンダリングに関する設定を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |Background. || サブグループ || &link_anchor(App.Background.){App.Background.}参照| |DPI || 正の整数 || 1インチ当たりのドットの数 (初期値86)| |GUI. || サブグループ || &link_anchor(App.GUI.){App.GUI.}参照| |HQPolygons || true or false || Whether to store polygon distance maps in much larger textures or not| |Redo || function || Execute a redo step| |Undo || function || Execute an undo step| |alwaysCalcContacts || true or false || Whether to calculate collisions every frame or not| |autosaveEnable || true or false || Whether to autosave every set amount of time or not| |autosaveTime || 正の小数 || 自動保存をする間隔 (初期値30)| |borderWidth || 正の小数 || オブジェクトの境界線の幅 (初期値0.1)| |borders || trueもしくはfalse || Sets if borders should be rendered| |chainDensityFactor || 正の小数 || The density per circle in a chain divided by two| |checkForUpdates || true or false || Whether to check for updates and news each "updateinterval" days or not| |currentPalette || string || The colour palette currently used| |dragToolStrength || 正の小数 || ドラッグツール(引っ張る)の強さ (初期値0.25)| |drawBCs || trueもしくはfalse || オブジェクト(ポリゴン)の衝突半径の表示 (初期false)| |drawBodyCenters || trueもしくはfalse || オブジェクト中心の表示 (初期false)| |drawCables || true or false || Whether to show cables or not| |drawCollisions || trueもしくはfalse || 衝突線の表示 (初期false)| |drawMapOBBs || trueもしくはfalse || If the oriented bounding box map should be visible (初期false)| |drawOBBs || trueもしくはfalse || If the minimum oriented bounding box (初期false)| |drawParticleCenters || trueもしくはfalse || 水粒子中心の表示 (初期false)| |drawParticleNeighbors || true or false || If the connection of particles (water) should be drawn as lines| |drawScaleIndicator || true or false || Whether to show the scale or not | |drawSelectionOBB || true or false || App.drawOBBs for objects selected| |drawVelocityFactor || decimal value || The multiplier for velocity lines (shown when BodyCenters are shown) | |drawVertices || trueもしくはfalse || ポリゴン頂点の表示 (初期false)| |enableScriptMenu || true or false || Whether the script menu for each object is accessible or not| |fadeColor || array of three decimal values || 隠し機能のパラメータ| |fadeRotate || 少数 || 隠し機能のパラメータ(初期値0)| |fadeScale || 二つの少数の配列 || 隠し機能のパラメータ(初期値[0.94999999,0.94999999])| |fadeTranslate || 二つの少数の配列 || 隠し機能のパラメータ(初期値[2,3])| |forceVertexPolygonDrawing || true or false || Whether to force drawing of all verticies(true) or not (false) (this also upgrades collisions) | |gpuWater || true or false || Whether to use hardware surface generation (true) or not (false)| |killerPlanes || true or false || Whether new scenes should add killerPlanes (true) or not (false) (also affects current scene)| |language || string || 使用する言語| |laserBroadPhase || true or false || Whether to enable increased performance of lasers (true) or not (false)| |laserEvents || true or false || Whether to enable onHitByLaser and onLaserHit (true) or not (false)| |laserResolution || decimal positive value || The quality for finite light speed| |laserSuperBoost || decimal positive value || Allows more ray splits| |laserWaterBVH || true or false || Whether to increase laser performance against water using bounding volume hierarchies (true) or not (false)| |laserWidth || decimal || Laser ray size relative to laser body| |lineWidth || 正の小数 || 描画時の線の幅 (初期値3)| |marchingSquaresResolution || decimal || ???| |maxBorderArea || decimal || The maximum area relative to the geometry that can be taken up by the border| |maxBorderAreaSpecial || decimal || The maximum area relative to the geometry that can be taken up by the selection border| |maxCogs || integer || The maximum number of cogs avaliable on each gear| |maxPointDist || 正の小数 || ポリゴンの頂点の間隔(値が小さいほど高精度) (初期値0.5)| |maxPolygonBorderFactor || decimal || The width of a polygons border| |maxSPHspawn || 正の整数 || 生成される水粒子の最大数 (初期値10000)| |maxTracerLife || positive integer value || The number of frames of an individual tracer that are recorded| |maxUndo || 正の整数 || やり直しの最大数 (初期値35)| |metaCutoff || decimal positive value || Meta-surface generation cutoff 0.5| |metaWater || true or false || Whether meta-surface generation is on (true) or off (false) true| |minPointDist || decimal positive value || minimum distance between vertices drawn by draw tool 0.20| |mousePos || array of two decimal values || The position of the mouse| |numColorsInRainbow || positive integer || The number of colours each ray splits into 12| |pointSize || positive decimal value || (integer recommended?) size of vertex points(if visible) 4.0| |polytoolPreviewColor || array of four decimal values || The color of the preview area of each polygon [1, 0.5, 1, 0.4]| |scaleGravityField || true or false || Whether to scale field arrows with gravity strength(true) or not(false) false| |sceneFadeInTime || decimal || How long it takes for a scene to fade in 1| |screenshotsWithAlpha || true or false || Saves scenes with the alpha channel in tact (transparent screenshots) false| |showGravityField || true or false || Whether to show the gravity field for attraction(true) or not(false) false| |updateInterval || positive integer || The news and update checking interval (days) 1| |waterColor || array of three decimal values || The color of the water [0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 0.7]| |waterElongation || decimal positive value || multiplier for stretching of water drops when speed increases 0.050| |waterFanceyFactor || decimal positive value || quality of fancy water rendering 10.0| |waterMaxElongation || decimal positive value || Maximum stretch of fancy water droplets 2.0| |waterRefractiveIndex || decimal positive value || The reflective-ness of water 1.33| |waterTracerLightness || decimal positive value || How bright water tracers are in relation to the colour of the water 0.75| |waterTracerSize || decimal positive value || The size of the water tracers 0.015| |waterTracers || integer || The fraction of a water particle that should have a tracer 0| &aname(App.Background.,option=nolink){APP.Background.} はPhunの背景の空に関係のある変数のグループです。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |cloudOpacity || 正の少数 || 背景の雲の透明度 (初期0.89999998)| |cuteClouds || boolean || Whether to use normal (false) or cute (true) clouds| |drawClouds || trueもしくはfalse || 雲の表示 (初期true)| |skyColor || 四つの少数 || 背景の色[赤,緑,青,透] (初期値[0.30000001,0.40000001,1,1])| &aname(App.GUI.,option=nolink){App.GUI.}はGUIに関する設定を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |Forces. || sub group || &link_anchor(App.GUI.Forces.){App.GUI.Forces.}参照| |Rebuild || function || Reload all the GUI.| |alikeTolerance || integer || The maximum number of differences to be selected by the "Select alike" command 0| |allowDrawSelect || boolean || Select by encircling on (true) or off (false) true| |cv_sketchMorphTime || float || The time before a shape is formed by the sketch tool 0.5| |dragUndo || boolean || Whether drag saves an undo step (true) or not (false) true| |drawDragLine || boolean || Whether to show the line from the point of dragging to the mouse (true) or not (false) true| |drawHingesWhenRunning || boolean || Whether to show hinges when running (true) or not (false) true| |geomGenMinArea || float || Not sure what this does 0.0009| |geomGenShrink || float || Not sure what this does either -0.0033| |geomGenTolerance || float || Not sure what this does either 1.2| |level || integer || The level of interface 1 (Simple), 2 (Medium) or 3 (Advanced) 1| |toolGestureSensitivity || float || How sensitive cancel gestures are 1| |toolGestures || boolean || Whether to cancel a tool by shaking the mouse (true) or not (false) true| |toolSpecificCursors || boolean || Whether to show a different cursor for each tool (true) or not (false) true| |trapUser || boolean || Whether the user is able to quit, open ingame links and toggle fullscreen (false) or not (true) false| |useHSL || boolean || Use the old colour system (Hue Saturation Lightness)(true) as opposed to HSV (Hue Saturation Value)(false) false| |zoomFactor || float || How fast a user zooms in and out 0.2| &aname(App.GUI.Forces.,option=nolink){App.GUI.Forces.}は~に関する設定を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |airBuoyancy || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for airBuoyancy (true) or not (false) true| |airBuoyancyText || string || The text to show accompanying the airBuoyancy visualisation -adg| |airFriction || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for airFriction (true) or not (false) ture| |airFrictionText || string || The text to show accompanying the airFriction visualisation -fv| |attraction || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for attraction (true) or not (false) true| |attractionText || string || The text to show accompanying the attraction attraction visualisation A| |contactCombinationDistance || float || The distance in screen centimetres(cm) distance before normal visualisation arrows join into one 1.2| |drawForces || boolean || Whether to show all force visualisations (true) or not (false) false| |drawNames || boolean || Whether to show all force names (true) or not (false) true| |drawValues || boolean || Whether to show all force values (true) or not (false) false| |external || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for external forces (true) or not (false) true| |externalText || string || The text to show accompanying the external forces visualisation ext| |forceScale || float || The scale of the arrow visualisation of foce visualisation 1| |friction || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for friction (true) or not (false) true| |frictionProjection || boolean || Whether to show friction from both directions (false) or the direction the force pushes(true) true| |frictionText || string || The text to show accompanying the friction visualisation T| |gravity || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for gravity (true) or not (false) true| |gravityText || string || The text to show accompanying the gravity visualisation mg| |hinge || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for the for the force of hinges (true) or not (false) true| |hingeText || string || The text to show accompanying the hinge visualisation H| |normal || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for normal forces (true) or not (false) true| |normalText || string || The text to show accompanying the normal forces visualisation N| |spring || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for spring forces (true) or not (false) true| |springText || string || The text to show accompanying the spring forces visualisation -kx-bv| |total || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for the total force (true) or not (false) true| |totalText || string || The text to show accompanying the total force visualisation| |velScale || float || The scale of the velocity visualisation 1| |velocities || boolean || Whether to show the visualisation for velocities (true) or not (false) false| *&aname(Console.,option=nolink){Console.} コンソール関連の変数群です。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |clear || function || Clears the console window| |color || four positive decimal values || The RGBA color code for the console window| |delay || positive decimal value || The amount of seconds it takes before the console appears| |fade || true or false || If the console window should fade in transparency lengthwise| |screenSize || positive decimal value || How much of the screen should be covered by the console. 0.0 = 0%, 1 = 100%| |scroll || true or false || If the console window should scroll in view, or fade in view when opened| *&aname(FileInfo.,option=nolink){FileInfo.} FileInfo.(ファイル情報)はファイルの作者名・タイトル・説明 を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |author || string || Defines the author of a file| |description || string || Gives a description of the file| |title || string || The title of the file| |version || string || Version of thyme used to make the file| *&aname(GUI.,option=nolink){GUI.} 操作画面に関連するものです。表示に使用するフォントやウィンドウのサイズ等を扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |clickTimeTolerance || positive decimal value || how long time in seconds before a click is no longer a click| |clcikTolerance || positive decimal value || how far in pixels the mouse may move before a click is not longer a click| |crispFontFactor|| positive decimal value || amount of crispiness on the fonts.. Don't touch, default is good enough| |crispFonts|| true or false || Whether or not to use crisp fonts| |font|| string || what font to use. Only fixedsys and arial_black are supported as of now| |fontShadow|| true or false || whether or not to render shadows of text| |fontShadowOffset|| array of two decimal values || XY offset of shadow| |forceOSCursor|| true or false || force operating system cursor or use the phun cursors| |opaqueness|| positive decimal value || transparency of user interface| |scale||positive decimal value || scale of user interface| *&aname(Keys.,option=nolink){Keys.} Keysはキーをバインドすることにのみ使用します。 この関数を使うことで、あるキーが押下されたとき実行するコードを記述出来ます。 Keys.bind("space", {Sim.running = ! Sim.running}); *&aname(math.,option=nolink){math.} Mathに変数はなく、数学的な定数と関数を提供します。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |acos(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the inverse cosine of the number entered | |add(x,y) || function, x & y = decimal || adds two numbers together| |asin(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the inverse sine of the number entered | |atan(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the inverse tangent of the number entered | |cos(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the cosine of the number entered | |divide(x,y) || function, x & y = decimal || divides x by y | |multiply(x,y) || function, x & y = decimal|| multiplies x by y | |negate(x) || function, x = boolean || flips the value of x | |pi || constant || gives a value of 3.1415926535.... | |sin(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the sine of the number entered | |subtract(x,y) || function, x & y = decimal|| subtracts y from x | |tan(x) || function, x = decimal || returns the tangent of the number entered | *&aname(Resources.,option=nolink){Resources.} Resourcesはほとんどのユーザーは無視してかまいません。16bitテクスチャやシェーダなどのリソースへのアクセスを扱います。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |force16BitTextures || true or false || whether or not 16 bit color-mode should be used| |loadAll || function || loads all resources into the ram| |reloadAll || function || reload all resources| |reloadShaders || function || reload only shaders| |reloadTextures || function || reload only textures| |shaders || true or false || whether or not shaders should be used| |unloadAll || function || unload all resources| |vramUsage || read-only decimal positive value || how much bytes of video RAM are used by Phun| *&aname(SPH.,option=nolink){SPH.} SPHとは[[Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics>]]のことで、phunにおける流体のシミュレーションに使われています。SPH粒子は流体と、その密度や流れを表現します。粒子の動きは圧力、粘性、また様々な外的な力(重力や界面の状態など)に左右されます。流体は圧力の働きにより体積を一定に保とうとしますが、phunでの処理時間の制約により、現実の水よりはかなり弾力があります。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |SPH.AVG_density || decimal positive value || average density of the water (related to pressure)| |SPH.AVG_neighCount|| decimal positive value || average number of neighbouring drops of water | |SPH.AVG_pressure|| decimal positive value || average pressure exerted on the water| |SPH.bucketSize|| decimal positive value || use when checking SPH neighbourhood. Changing this value should not affect behavior, but may affect performance.| |SPH.density|| decimal positive value || the weight of a water droplet.| |SPH.friction|| decimal positive value || the amount of friction experienced between two water droplets.| |SPH.hashInfo|| function || gives information about the water. Bucket size, number of particles and average bucket size| |SPH.influence|| decimal positive value || the influcence radius of an SPH particle. A larger value will give a slower, but maybe more stable, simulation.| |SPH.jitter|| decimal positive value || adds random movement to the SPH particle. The larger the value, the stronger forces. A value of 0 means no jitter.| |SPH.pressMultiplier|| decimal positive value || multiplication factor of pressure forces| |SPH.radius|| decimal positive value || the size of a water droplet.| |SPH.restitution|| decimal positive value || the amount of bounciness of the water| |SPH.soundSpeed|| decimal positive value || the update frequency of the water system| |SPH.specialPressure|| true or false || changes to a different pressure averaging formula| |SPH.surfaceTension|| decimal positive value || not used| |SPH.vaporizeTime || decimal positive value || the time that a water droplet can be idle before it disappears.| |SPH.viscMultiplier|| decimal positive value || multiplication factor of viscosity forces| |SPH.viscosity|| decimal positive value || the viscosity of the water| *&aname(Scene.,option=nolink){Scene.} Sceneは主にphunのファイルを操作するのに使い、例えばオブジェクトを追加したり、削除したりすることが出来ます。 |変数名||変数型||説明| |Camera. || sub-group || see &link_anchor(Scene.Camera.){Scene.Camera.}| |Clear || function || clears the entire scene of objects and water| |EraseWater || function || clears only water| |New || function || creates a new scene, and resets all scene variables to default| |addBox || function || adds a box| |addCircle || function || adds a circle| |addFixjoint || function || adds a fixate| |addGroup || function || adds a group| |addHinge || function || adds a hinge| |addPen || function || adds a pen| |addPlane || function || adds a plane| |addPolygon || function || adds a complex polygon| |addSpring || function || adds a spring| |addWater || function || adds water| |addWidget || function || adds a window| |author || string || author of the file| |description || string || description of file| |title || string || title of file| 「addXXX」となっている関数については、[[phn形式について]]もご覧下さい。 &aname(Scene.Camera.,option=nolink){Scene.Camera.} は &link_anchor(Scene.){Scene.} のサブグループで、カメラに関する変数群です。ズームとパンを扱います。 |変数名||変数型||説明| |pan || array of two decimal values || XY position of the camera | |zoom || positive decimal value || zoom factor of camera| *&aname(Sim.,option=nolink){Sim.} Simはかなり大きな変数グループで、シミュレーションを制御する様々な変数を扱っています。シミュレーションの精度を変更したり、摩擦などに影響を与えたり出来ます。また、一部の力学エンジンを使用するか否かも決められます。これらの変数はphunの内部に影響を与えるので、&u(){弄る時は自己責任}でお願いします。 |変数名||変数型||説明| |adHocSolver || true or false || if true, switches from [[SPOOK>]] to a different and more basic solver. default is false| |airDensity || positive decimal value || density of the air| |airFrictionLinear || positive decimal value || linear friction of the air | |airFrictionQuadratic || positive decimal value || quadratic friction of the air| |airSwitch || true or false || whether air friction is enabled or not| |defaultBodyDensity || positive decimal value || default density of objects| |defaultBodyFriction || positive decimal value || default friction of objects| |defaultBodyRestitution || positive decimal value || default bounciness of objects| |fallLimit || positive decimal value || the limit of when an object gets deleted after falling outside of the screen| |gravity || array of two decimal values || X and Y force of gravity| |gravitySwitch || true or false || whether gravity is enabled or not| |leapFrog || true or false || if false, switches to euler integration instead of leap-frog. true by default.| |maxPositionCorrection || positive decimal value || sets the maximum penetration used when applying impulses in constraint violations. Set to infinity by default.| |prioritizedSolver || true or false || if set to true, will yield a more stable, but far slower, constraint solver.| |rotFrictionLinear || positive decimal value || linear rotational friction| |running || true or false || whether the simulation is running or not| |solveAccFactor || positive decimal value || sets how much the solver will conuter-act acceleration differences between two constrained bodies. Set to 1 by default. Don't touch.| |solveConstant || positive decimal value || Affects the [[SPOOK>]] solver. Don't touch!| |solveDconstraints || positive decimal value || The number of time steps the [[SPOOK>]] solver will aim to satisfy a hinge contraint within. A low number means faster convergence; a high number means more damped and stable simulation.| |solveDcontacts || positive decimal value || The number of time steps the [[SPOOK>]] solver will aim to satisfy c contact within. A low number means faster convergence; a high number means more damped and stable simulation.| |solveDistFactor || positive decimal value || sets how much the solver will conuter-act penteration in constraint violation. Set to 1 by default. Don't touch.| |solveIter || positive decimal value || the number of constraint solving iterations. A higher number means a more stable simulation.| |solvePenetrationDamping || true or false || not used.| |solvePreSortConstraints || true or false || sets if the constraints will be ordered by violation amount before solving them. true by default.| |solveRegularizationFactor || positive decimal value || Affects the amount of regalurization in the [[SPOOK>]] solver. Set to 1 by default.| |solveVelFactor || positive decimal value || sets how much the solver will conuter-act velocity differences between two constrained bodies. Set to 1 by default. Don't touch.| |springForce || positive decimal value || this is the value by which spring strengths are multiplied. Alterning this will change the strength of all springs.| |targetPenetration || positive decimal value || sets how much penetration is allowed in a contact| |time || constant positive decimal value || number of seconds the simulation has been running| |timeDelta || positive decimal value || time between two physics engine solvings| |timeFactor || positive decimal value || sets the simulation speed. A value of 1 means realtime.| |warmStart || true or false || whether or not to apply forces at sim start| |warmStartFactor || positive decimal value || multiplication value of warm-start forces existing at sim start| *&aname(System.,option=nolink){System.} Systemはシステムに関する設定です。よほど知識のある方以外は触らないでください。 変数のリスト: |変数名||変数型||説明| |antiAlias || positive integer value || determines the amount of antialias used| |depth || positive integer value || color depth| |exit || function || shuts down the game| |fullscreen || true or false || sets phun to fullscreen and back| |maxFPS || decimal positive value || the maximum allowed FPS| |minFPS || decimal positive value || the minimum allowed FPS| |objectCurrent || Read only positive integer value || don't touch| |objectHandleCurrent || Read only positive integer value || don't touch| |objectTotal || Read only positive integer value || the total amount of objects| |recreateWindow || function || rebuilds the main window| |resizable || true or false || if the window can be resized or not| |resolution || array of 2 positive integers || the resolution of the window| |screenshot || function || makes a screenshot of the window| |time || decimal positive value || the amount of seconds the game has been running| |vSync || true or false || if vSync is enabled|




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