
ToolBrush = "ブラシ";
ToolDrag = "ドラッグ";
ToolPlane = "平面";
ToolCircle = "円形";
ToolBox = "長方形";
ToolChain = "鎖";
ToolSpring = "バネ";
ToolFixJoint = "固定する";
ToolHinge = "蝶番";

OptionsButton = "オプション";
FileButton = "ファイル";
ClearScene = "全て削除";
SaveScene = "保存";
LoadScene = "読み込み";
ImportScene = "インポート";

ResetView = "中央";
Gravity = "重力";
AirFriction = "空気摩擦";
LeftClickMenus = "Left mouse click opens popup";
DrawInside = "Draw inside objects";
Shaders = "Enable shaders (fancy graphics)";
SimpleWater = "Simple water rendering";
DrawHinges = "Draw Hinges/Fixes when running";
DrawClouds = "Draw clouds";

Exit = "終了";

ControlTitle = "Control";

ShowInfo = "Show sim-info";
ShowAbout = "Phunについて";
ShowHelp = "ヘルプ";
ToggleFullscreen = "Toggle fullscreen";

SimSpeed = "Speed";
TakeSnapshot = "Make undo-snapshot";

Undo = "Undo";
Redo = "Redo";

NoFollow = "Stop following object";
FollowObject = "Follow object";

Erase = "Erase";
Clone = "クローン";

ChooseColor = "色の変更";
RandomColor = "色をランダム";
Hue = "Hue";
Saturation = "Saturation";
Lightness = "Lightness";

Liquify = "Liquify selected";
CenterHinge = "Add center hinge";
Circle = "円に変形する";
NoChain = "Dissolve chain";
Invert = "Invert selection";
MoveToBack = "Move selected to back";
MoveToFront = "Move selected to front";
Friction = "Friction";
Bounciness = "Bounciness";
Density = "Density (weight)";
GeomCollisionOn = "Collides with other geometry";
WaterCollisionOn = "Collides with water";

SelectMenuButton = "Select all...";

SelectPoly = "Select polygons";
SelectCircle = "Select circles";
SelectPlane = "Select planes";
SelectHinge = "Select hinges";
SelectFix = "Select fixates";
SelectSpring = "Select springs";
SelectChain = "Select chains";
SelectGroup = "Select group ";

GeomMenuButton = "Geometry settings...";
GeomMenu = "Geometry settings";
SpringMenuButton = "Springs...";
SpringMenu = "Spring options";
SpringStrength = "Spring strength";
SpringDamping = "Spring damping";

HingeMenuButton = "Hinges...";
HingeMenu = "Hinge options";
HingeMotor = "Motor";
HingeReversed = "Reversed";
ControllerSelector = "Control with arrow keys";

MotorSpeed = "回転の速度";
MotorStrength = "回転の力";
EraseWater = "水を削除";

Cancel = "キャンセル";

Import = "インポート";
Load = "読み込み";
ChooseScene = "Choose scene";

SaveAsWhat = "Save as what?";
EnterName = "Enter a name";
Save = "Save";

ToolbarTitle = "Toolbar";
PopupTitle = "Options";

OptionsTitle = "Options";
FileTitle = "File";

AboutTitle = "About";
AboutText = "Copyright 2007-2008, Emil Ernerfeldt\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"Free for non-commercial use\n" +
"Created for Kenneth Bodin, VRLab, Umea University";

HelpTitle = "Help";

ShowEntInfo = "Information...";
EntInfoArea = "Area";
EntInfoMass = "Mass";
EntInfoTorque = "Torque";

ChangeLanguage = "Change language";

// All the undos, should start with lower case to fit into a "Undo foo" sentence.

UndoPolygon = "polygon";
UndoPlane = "plane";
UndoCircle = "circle";
UndoChain = "chain";
UndoBox = "box";
UndoFixate = "fixate";
UndoHinge = "hinge";
UndoSpring = "spring";
UndoCenterHinge = "hinge";

UndoClone = "clone";
UndoErase = "erase";
UndoDrag = "drag";
UndoMove = "move";
UndoRotate = "rotate";
UndoLiquify = "liquify";
UndoToCircle = "to circle";
UndoSliderChange = "slider change";

UndoClear = "clear";
UndoSnapshot = "snapshot";

UndoDissolveChain = "dissolve chain";

UndoImportScene = "import scene";
UndoLoadScene = "load scene";
UndoSimStart = "sim start";

UndoGroupInclusion = "group inclusion";
UndoGroupExclusion = "group exclusion";
UndoGroupAssignment = "group assignment";
UndoGroupRemoval = "group removal";


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最終更新:2008年03月17日 05:12


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