「TOP/カテゴリ/英会話ならびに性格改善/2007年08月07日/Poisoning in the park could cause irreversable danage.」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

TOP/カテゴリ/英会話ならびに性格改善/2007年08月07日/Poisoning in the park could cause irreversable danage. - (2007/08/07 (火) 07:16:05) のソース


Sixteen months ago an estimated 10,000 nomadic herders crossed into Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda, and put the meal laced with the poison to protect their herds. In these months, more than 80 percent of the hyenas  and more than 60 lions are gone. 
Queen Elizabeth national Park is Uganda's most popular safari destination,
 drawing as many as 45,000 visitors every year. Wildlife authorities in Uganda cannot relocatenomadic herder quickly, and cannot find a cpncrete solution. Experts estimate that the damage done in the past 16 months could take more than 20 years to reverse.

カテゴリ: [[[abstract>TOP/カテゴリ/英会話ならびに性格改善/カテゴリ/abstract]]] - &trackback() - 2007年08月07日 06:56:58
