Grateful Journey

This BROG will be updated In NewZealand.


Welcome to my website!

I've been begining to study from the start of April in 2008.
It is natural that my English is not enough yet.
But I've made up my mind to write all contents in English as long as possible.
However,I will make many mistakes and sorry for inconvenience.
I'm never afraid to make mistakes.
Parhaps,this will make some difference to me,I think.
And I wish we could share our good knowledge what we have already or will get.
I'm going to NZ in the end of October.
I will see and use essencial words and sentences in there.
If then ,I will update "UsefulSentences".
If you like ,use them as reference for your studying,please!

最終更新:2008年06月26日 08:51
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