
Bloglines」(2005/10/29 (土) 08:49:30) の最新版変更点



http://www.bloglines.com/blog/rag 気がついたら、Ask Jeeves傘下になっていたBloglines。 Bloglinesは、元々、ONElistの創設者Mark Fletcherが始めたサービス。 ちなみに、ONElistはeGroupsを買収したのちにYahoo!に買収され、現在はYahoo! Groupsとして存続している。 ------------------------------------------------- http://www.bloglines.com/about/ Bloglines was founded in 2003 by Mark Fletcher, the former CEO of ONElist (acquired by Yahoo! in 2000 and now operating as Yahoo! Groups). The company is a property of Ask Jeeves, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ: IACI). and is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can find out more about Ask Jeeves at www.ask.com and IAC at www.iac.com. You can read Mark Fletcher's personal blog at www.wingedpig.com. ------------------------------------------------- http://www.wingedpig.com/bio.html in November 1999, ONElist acquired eGroups, its main competition. Yahoo acquired the resulting company, renamed eGroups, in June 2000 and the service is now called Yahoo Groups. -------------------------------------------------
http://www.bloglines.com/blog/rag 気がついたら、Ask Jeeves傘下になっていたBloglines。 Bloglinesは、元々、ONElistの創設者Mark Fletcherが始めたサービス。 ちなみに、ONElistはeGroupsを買収したのちにYahoo!に買収され、現在はYahoo! Groupsとして存続している。 ---- http://www.bloglines.com/about/ Bloglines was founded in 2003 by Mark Fletcher, the former CEO of ONElist (acquired by Yahoo! in 2000 and now operating as Yahoo! Groups). The company is a property of Ask Jeeves, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ: IACI). and is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can find out more about Ask Jeeves at www.ask.com and IAC at www.iac.com. You can read Mark Fletcher's personal blog at www.wingedpig.com. ---- http://www.wingedpig.com/bio.html in November 1999, ONElist acquired eGroups, its main competition. Yahoo acquired the resulting company, renamed eGroups, in June 2000 and the service is now called Yahoo Groups. ----

